
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

Italy ‘Together’: it’s time for a New Humanity

Italy ‘Together’: it’s time for a New Humanity

Europe Day 2020 - “It was a little great miracle... an event in which we participated and not simply assisted at”. This is an immediate feedback – one of many – that we have received. The preparation Indeed, we really put our faith in this online opportunity: to be...

An International Link-up on the Feast of Europe

An International Link-up on the Feast of Europe

"Welcome to you all gathered here in the Graz Town Hall for our meeting on Europe Day!” This was the way we planned to welcome the participants on Saturday, May 9, 2020. However, Covid-19 disrupted all our plans. Therefore, toward the end of March, our regional team...

A special event

A special event

Europe Day 2020 and Pope Francis  We have been journeying together for the last six weeks. During this shared prayerful journey we allowed the Word of God and our reflection regarding Europe (2016) to inspire us, and we included all European Countries in our prayers....

Young people, be responsible

Young people, be responsible

Europe for the future – Future for Europe. František Talíř is 27; when he speaks about democracy and reforms, his enthusiasm is contagious.   "Since 1989, we have experienced the freshness of democracy and freedom even in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Joining the...

“Online Dialogue Europe” 9 May 2020

“Online Dialogue Europe” 9 May 2020

On the 9th of May we will celebrate Europe Day and through this online dialogue we will discuss the EU project: after 75 years of peace within the EU, how do we move forward? Date: Saturday, May 9, 2020,  Europe Day Time: 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Once you register...

An epochal challenge for Europe

An epochal challenge for Europe

Letters from Together for Europe to the E.U. and the Vatican It is a crucial moment for Europe and the European Union, requiring concerted action. For this reason Together for Europe has written to the Presidents of the European Parliament, the European Commission and...

Being Together Online – a virtual, yet real, network

Being Together Online – a virtual, yet real, network

Covid-19 is spreading with supersonic speed. And the end of the pandemic is nowhere to be seen. Families, workplaces, communities, churches and cities are passing through a difficult moment. Many are experiencing sufferings, uncertainties and isolation. Be not afraid ...

Graz – ‘Plan B’ for the Europe Day 2020

Graz – ‘Plan B’ for the Europe Day 2020

On February 27, we updated you about the intensive preparations being carried out by the local team of Together for Europe to mark the Europe Day with an international event in Graz (Austria). Although, due to the pandemic a Plan B is now needed, this did not prevent...

Following in the Founding Fathers’ footsteps

Following in the Founding Fathers’ footsteps

23 February 2020: Intergenerational Day in Brussels. 51 European citizens  - young and old - members of two diverse Communities, which are part of the network Together for Europe, share a "discovery tour" of significant places. Agnès Grenier writes from Brussels:...

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