Seek the good of the city

by | Feb 11, 2025

‘Seek the good of the city’ (Jer 29:7) is the title of the initiative of Together for Europe in Germany, which will take place in Munich from 27 to 29 June 2025. This is the purpose of the event from the perspective of the organisers.

The prophet Jeremiah had a clear idea of what it means to seek good in the environment in which we live and dwell. He knew that God’s people prosper when they do not shut themselves off, but put themselves at the service of society. In this way it creates space for life and hope for future generations.

We have been experiencing for years that God wants to gather his people. We are aware that the gift-charism that He has given to each Movement and Community is destined to be ‘light and salt’ in the society in which we live. In the midst of the profound crisis that we are experiencing today, let us seek together ‘the Good’ in the challenges and possibilities of our time.

The initiative in Munich is meant to be an experience of friendship and inspiration. Together we want to celebrate God and live in unity and reconciliation. TOGETHER FOR EUROPE.

On Friday 27 June, the idea of ‘TOGETHER’ will be further explored: there will be a guided tour of the city, followed by a snack and an evening programme.

Saturday 28 June it is the turn to have a closer look at ‘FOR’: An in-depth study of the text of Jeremiah 29:7 will be followed by moments of exchange. In the afternoon there will be thematic groups: prayer for the city, social initiatives, youth, marriage and family, spreading the Gospel, migration and others. The evening will come to an end with a moment of praise.

Sunday, 29 June will be dedicated to ‘EUROPE’ with an ecumenical celebration.

For more information and booking see the national website: The event will be in German, and no translations shall be provided.


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