Are you connected?

Are you connected?

I connect, says Ilona, when I’m travelling and when I’m waiting. In the morning and in the evening. And often at midday. When I get bad news or good news. I connect in Church and when I’m going for a walk. 

What about you? This prayer written by one of our brothers from Germany helps me connect with Heaven, to pray for Europe – and much more. It could be useful for May 9, Europe Day, or any other time we pray for our continent. And to connect, all you need is a cellphone.

Prayer proposal for Europe


Faithfulness to the future

Faithfulness to the future

Christmas is round the corner. This year’s will be extraordinary under many aspects, because humanity is still dealing with COVID-19. On March 27, 2020, in an unprecedented gesture, Pope Francis has prayed in St Pater’s Square for the end of this pandemic. The words of the Bishop of Rome seem to be relevant as never before.  

Herbert Lauenroth, a member of the International Steering Committee of Together for Europe, wrote an empathetic introduction to the Pope’s words for the prayer session during the meeting of the ‘Friends of TfE which was held on November 14, 2020. His perspective leads us to “consolidate our own interiority […] without, however, closing ourselves inside our own home or our own identity”.  (The complete text of the prayer, with the intercessions, can be downloaded from the bottom of the page).

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in loving devotion. The Lord is good to all; His compassion rests on all He has made (Ps 145, 8-9). The words of the psalmist lead us into this space of God; a God who wants to be recognized and implored in all his passion, his com-passion, patience and mercy, in the fidelity of his love – a Creator of all his creatures and of all creation – , which is always a ‘faithful creativity”, a “faithfulness in the future”.

Let us stand around that frail man, clothed in white, who looks somewhat lost in that immense St Peter’s Square, which was completely empty, under an insistent rain that came down on that Friday evening of March 27. Together with him let us look at the “Eternal City”, which, albeit marvellous, seems empty, abandoned, and closed in its historical sites, in its monuments, mausoleums, museums, homes, palaces, places of worship, streets and squares. All empty. Let’s stand around that one man clothed in white, whom we recognize as to be the Bishop of Rome, and therefore, our brother; that evening, however, he was also: a shepherd without his flock, “a last man standing”. Together with him, let’s give visibility to communion in Christ; together with him, let’s beseech the Real Presence of the Lord: in the midst of our communities, the various denominations, nations and as members of ethnic and cultural realities; in our midst, in the midst of humanity, and by doing so, let us, together with Pope Francis bless” –“urbi et orbi” – the city of Rome and all the cities, our Countries and the whole of Europe, a Europe that is concerned with the entire world.

Yes, let us stand around the Bishop of Rome, whom we recognize as our brother, and pushed by the COVID-19 experience, let us give visibility to the Christian Community, a community that in this time of pandemic is characterized as an experience of a Co-Immunity; a communion that comes about – paradoxically – from the regulations and experiences of “social distancing”. At a time of enhanced global communion, this crisis brutally reminds us of the necessity to consolidate our interiority, our belonging to our own Church, family, vocation and personal history – without, however, closing ourselves inside our own homes or in our own identity. It is only thus that we can rediscover our true roots, our common belonging: that of being brothers and sisters, all equal for the fact that we are unique, intimately linked and yet completely distinct from each other: we are all brothers and sisters – in Christ!

Let us, therefore, gather around as a praying community so as to resound the words of Pope Francis, and to give them meaning and efficiency; words addressed to God, in the name of the people of God, through Jesus, through Jesus in our midst, through Jesus forsaken by the Father, whose mercy and com-passion were highlighted by the words of the psalmist.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in loving devotion. The Lord is good to all; His compassion rests on all He has made (Ps 145, 8-9).

2020 11 14 Friends of TfE online – Prayer in the evening, Herbert Lauenroth

Some French Initiatives

Some French Initiatives

During the annual Meeting of the Friends of TfE, which was held in November, 14 local groups shared experiences and initiatives in their Countries. The following is the contribution offered by the group of TfE in France.


The Strasbourg group is very worried about the climatic emergency and thinks that a strengthened Europe may provide a valid contribution in this area. Presently it is preparing a conference/debate with the participation of Sven Giegold (MEP – Greens) and Jacques Muller (former mayor of Wattwiller, senator of the Haut-Rhin and a pro-climate activist). The date chosen is November 23 and the venue is the Catholic Students’ Centre, a place which Schumann visited regularly.

Being the city that hosts European entities, the citizens of Strasbourg have a special affinity with the issues linked to the European Union. The Movements and the ecclesial associations have a golden opportunity to work together in the context of Together for Europe.


To mark Europe Day 2021, the TfE team in Lyons is proposing a performance loosely inspired by Laudato Sì’, and this will be held on May 9, 2021. This is about the closing down of the market: Ish and Isha sold very little! This leads to a humorous exchange between our two protagonists that come directly from the history of humanity. Through powerful scenes, with an extremely simply stage setting, the public will be invited to take sides with respect to some of today’s fundamental issues, and to discover that all things are linked to one another.


In Paris, the Deaconesses are organizing a formation course for young people at the Home of Unity. On April 13, 2021, TfE will enliven an ecumenical evening, which will include reflections and prayers, and which will form part of the ‘Prayer Journey’ for 2021.

We are still in contact with the Maison de l’Europe in Paris and the Municipality of Paris in view of the Europe Day. We plan to have a stand during the great event that is organized every year for this occasion.

We are also in contact with the young people of the Focolare who will conclude their project ‘dare to care’ with a joyful event in Brussels as part of the Festival of Europe, on 8-9 May 2021.

At national level

The national Committee had contacts with Lebanon to show its solidarity with that Country, often called Lebanon-message (according to an expression of Pope John Paul II): the Country of harmonious living and friendship among the religions.
As a result of the Beirut explosion, the economic and the political crises, many Lebanese have lost all hope. Their only option to live and survive is to leave the Country. The national Committee has encouraged initiatives aimed to help this Country, like the webinar, which various associations organized on October 15 to pray and to ask for financial aid to this Country.

The National Group of TfE in France

Charisms in the face of Coronavirus

Charisms in the face of Coronavirus

The pandemic forced upon us a certain ‘non-availability’; we ought to develop a new availability for the action of the Holy Spirit so that we may discover a new home for our charisms, and the interior spaces of our respective spiritualities. We ought to develop a new trust to be able to bear witness that in any desperate situation there is always a way that points to the future: the way of God with us.

This was the “quintessence’ of a group of Friends of Together for Europeduring the Zoom meeting on 14.11.2020.


Five of the many charisms represented in Together for Europe introduced themselves and shared how they are responding to today’s challenge, the pandemic.
The harmonious blend of the different charisms allows us to have a glimpse of the “score written in heaven”.

Here you can download the texts of the various contributions:

2020 11 14 1Corona encounters charisms, Introduction
2020 11 14 2Corona encounters charisms – contribution Community Sant’Egidio
2020 11 14 3Corona encounters charisms – contribution Schoenstatt movement
2020 11 14 4Corona encounters charisms – contribution Focolare Movement
2020 11 14 5Corona encounters charisms – contribution prayer network Germany
2020 11 14 6Corona encounters charisms – contribution Efesia
2020 11 14 7Corona encounters charisms, conclusion
2020 11 14 Prayer in the evening, Herbert Lauenroth

International Secretariat of TfE

Online, and yet, fully analogical

Online, and yet, fully analogical

“What is being highlighted here is the anti-virus of fraternity”. On November 14, 2020, about 300 Friends of Together for Europe (TfE) met on the World Wide Web for their annual meeting. Representatives of about 40 Movements that are highly involved in the network experienced a moment of intense communion and sharing, thus making up “a most beautify mosaic of faces and Communities” at the service of others in many various areas.  

 One of the messages received during the event read: “It is as if today we are re-writing the Acts of the Apostles”.

This year many more were involved in the preparations! 14 local groups of TfE in Eastern and Western Europe – ranging from Portugal to Ukraine, from Russia to Northern Ireland, and from Greece to Czech republic – presented a variegated mix of experiences by means of videos, photos and written contributions. After this, more than ever before, the “invisible network” that binds them all together seemed denser and more real. One of the participants affirmed: “We find ourselves in today’s Areopagus from where we can encourage people”.

All the Movements and Communities offer a visible contribution toward a more united humanity through “their praying together, their living together and by their common commitment in favour of the others”.

There was an active participation in the meeting through a myriad of chats

One session of the day focused upon the question: How are our charisms shining at this time of coronavirus? This entails listening to what God is telling us today. Through the pandemic He is sounding an alarm bell. Through prayer, the Movements put themselves at His service and, in a culture of alliance they deepen their relationship with God and between themselves, spiritually as well as materially. In a culture of the encounter they learn anew how to dialogue, without losing their own identity, and, among other things, through the solidarity with the poor, they bear visible witness to their love for God and for humanity.

The St Egidio Community, the Schönstatt Movement, the still young Movement Efisia that was born in France, a member of the YMCA Esslingen representing the Leadership Group and the Focolare Movement shared their experiences of how their charisms have responded in solidarity and in a creative way to the challenges brought about by the pandemic. Some of the participants have expressed what they have experienced with such phrases as: “Covid strengthened our unity”; and “The new form of Church is a lived-out friendship”.

At one point, the participants were divided into more than 40 groups, and this gave them the possibility of sharing even very personal experiences. Through this exercise, the participants became more aware of the importance, now more than ever, of the relationships between them and with all the others: “The Kingdom of God is made up of relationships. We ought to share even the difficulties so that the other may experience the love of God. Let us look toward the future together, and see us all part of this network. When we are together, we are stronger and can see even further”.

At the end of the afternoon session Julio from Portugal affirmed: “Now is the time of the Christians in Europe”, and on behalf of the Movements in Portugal, invited the Friends for next year’s meeting, which is scheduled for 4-6 November 2021 in the city of Porto.

The 2020 meeting came to an end with a solemn prayer. Albeit online, the participants, who came practically from all over Europe, have experienced the presence of God, and together they prayed for strength and trust so as to be ever more signs of hope and help for humanity. One woman affirmed: “Today, humanity is experiencing fear, uncertainty and confusion. I’m sure that all the elements that emerged during this meeting constitute an efficacious antidote to all that is negative”.

International Secretariat of TfE

Graphic: ©Together4Europe


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