Together for Europe is a path of communion, a free convergence of Christian Communities and Movements of different Churches, spread all over the continent. Maintaining their autonomy, they network for shared purposes, bringing the contribution of their own charisma, while respecting diversity. Read more>
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‘Seek the good of the city’ (Jer 29:7) is the title of the initiative of Together for Europe in Germany, which will take place in Munich from 27 to 29 June 2025. This is the purpose of the event from the perspective of the organisers.
On 28 November 2024 Christian Krause, former President of the Lutheran World Federation and a long-standing friend of Together for Europe, reached the finish line of his life. His message of Christian unity as a response to the needs of our time remains alive among us.
Beatriz Lauenroth, a German citizen born in Argentina, has been passionately collaborating with the Together for Europe network for many years, taking care of the international press. She has lived in several European countries and is currently in South Holland, near ‘s Hertogenbosch. Just back after three months in Mukacevo in Ukraine, she shares her stonrg experience..
Meeting of the Friends of Together for Europe: “Called to hope” – More than 200 representatives of the Christian network Together for Europe (TfE) belonging to 52 Movements, Communities and Organisations from 19 European countries gathered in Graz-Seckau (Austria) from 31st October to 2nd November 2024.
Representatives of the Project’s partners, people involved in European institutions, religious leaders and and also from civil society are present in a meeting room of the European Parliament. The focus of the meeting is the presentation of recommendations for the European Union.
Visits to Patriarch Bartholomew I and Pope Francis. Constantinople and Rome, 14th and 19th September 2024. A delegation of various Movements participating in the initiative ‘Easter Together 2025’ was received by Patriarch Bartholomew and then by Pope Francis. What unites them is the desire to bear witness to the same faith in the Risen Christ, on the shared date of Easter 2025, and to invite Christians to overcome their divisions around this date.
Main documents
Documents describing the basis, vision and commitment of our Together for Europe.
Activate Your City
It is the city, your city, that is the first field of action of Together for Europe. Locally implemented collaboration forms the vital fabric of our network.
Stages of our Journey
Video Gallery
Events, interviews and stories of our common commitment to Europe
Our Vision of Europe
A united and multifaceted Europe with strong social cohesion in cultural diversity. Our diversity should no longer be a reason for fear or separation. We live for a Europe that does not suppress them, but rather rediscovers them as riches and develops and harmonises them.
A Europe animated by fraternity. To spread this Europe we offer the fruits of our Gospel-based love: sharing of goods and resources; equality and freedom for all; openness to those with other cultures and religious traditions. This lifestyle can be an inspiration for bolder choices in all fields.
A Europe that becomes itself a ‘message of peace’, a bridge between peoples. We build it by living as reconciled people in our daily lives and committing ourselves to promoting a culture of encounter.
A democratic, participatory Europe. The awareness that each of us is a unique and unrepeatable subject, with an irrepressible vocation for relations, makes each one a resource for building new forms of responsible democratic participation, for constructive relations between citizens and institutions.
A Europe aware of its responsibilities and open to the world.
More about our journey TOGETHER
Some History
A Europe – from the Atlantic to the Urals – that puts the person at the centre, endowed with a unique dignity, to be recognised and respected by states, civil and religious communities and individuals.