Europe Day 2020

Rome, 9 May 2020,

We hoped that also in 2020 many meetings around 9 May could be held in public to convey the Christian spirit that radiates hope and unites in diversity. But the arrival of Covid-19 has challenged us all in a new, unexpected way.

Yet, even behind this sad reality, an opportunity could be discerned. Economist and journalist Luigino Bruni, who has been linked to the Together for Europe network since its inception, expressed it well: ‘We are experiencing a strong moment of suspension that is uniting us all from one side of the world to the other (…).

In forced isolation, it is time to network even more, it is time to communicate with each other, to reassure each other that ‘we are there’ and live these moments with each other in our hearts.”
A network of prayer, of shared experiences, of solidarity, of mutual love… cannot be compromised by a mere virus! And so, the events for Europe Day, in which Together for Europe was involved, took place online. Together for Europe has been connected with people from all over the Continent by means of forums, as well as conferences, prayer and singing.


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2020 Europe Day

Prayer journey

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