Citation for the European Prize of St. Ulrich to Together for Europe

by | Sep 24, 2015

Aware of the rich and age-old cultural history of our Bavarian-Swabian region, the province and the city of Dillingen on the Danube have established the “European Foundation of St. Ulrich.” Through this Foundation, the province and the city of Dillingen on the Danube, the birthplace of St. Ulrich, aim to further European unity in the […]

Aware of the rich and age-old cultural history of our Bavarian-Swabian region, the province and the city of Dillingen on the Danube have established the “European Foundation of St. Ulrich.”

Through this Foundation, the province and the city of Dillingen on the Danube, the birthplace of St. Ulrich, aim to further European unity in the Christian spirit.

Since 1993, the 1,000th anniversary of the canonization of Bishop St. Ulrich, a figure of great importance for Germany and for Europe, the European Prize of St. Ulrich is awarded regularly to initiatives or institutions which have distinguished themselves by extraordinary merits in the area of European unity, in the political, ecclesiastical, scientific, cultural, economic and social fields.

“Building a Christian Europe” is the duty of all those who, on the basis of the cultural and artistic heritage and core values, desire to contribute to the future of our history. Great witnesses of the faith of our country, such as Bishop Ulrich, Albert the Great, Margarete Ebner, Peter Canisius, Johann Michael Sailer, Johann Ev.Wagner and Dominikus Ringeisen have given us outstanding examples.

The commitment of the international network of Together for Europe is driven by the vision of reconciled unity in diversity. The Movements and Christian communities which are part of it do not want to standardize the confessional or national identities, but together are committed to safeguarding and promoting the treasure of the Christian heritage in Europe. They build bridges in Europe taking steps towards reconciliation and weaving friendships beyond the most various borders. In this way, a current of hope inspired by the Gospel has been born, which involves men and women who are committed for the good of society. Recognizing these extraordinary merits, the European Foundation of St. Ulrich awarded the 2014 European Award of St. Ulrich to the network of Together for Europe, to which 300 Christian Movements and Communities belong.

Leo Schrell Frank Kunz Dr. Konrad Zdarsa


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