Easter belongs to Christ!

by | Sep 27, 2024

Visits to Patriarch Bartholomew I and Pope Francis. Constantinople and Rome, 14th and 19th September 2024. A delegation of various Movements participating in the initiative ‘Easter Together 2025’ was received by Patriarch Bartholomew and then by Pope Francis. What unites them is the desire to bear witness to the same faith in the Risen Christ, on the shared date of Easter 2025, and to invite Christians to overcome their divisions around this date.

On this occasion, Together for Europe (TfE) has joined forces with an important Orthodox Association – the Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy (I.A.O.) – as well as with the Focolare Movement and JC2033, a Movement that calls for an ecumenical journey towards 2033, the Jubilee of 2000 years since Jesus’ resurrection.

Gerhard Pross, moderator of TfE, presented the initiative ‘Easter Together 2025’ to the Patriarch. ‘It is our desire that faith be the foundation of Europe,’ he said, ’indeed, we believe that the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea is an excellent opportunity to focus on Christian unity, because the Nicene Creed is our common confession of faith. That is why we want to support all that is being done, so that a new fire can be kindled and the risen Christ can be witnessed on a large scale’.

In his reply, Patriarch Bartholomew announced that an Ecumenical Commission is working on the programme for the commemoration of the shared Easter and the celebration of the 1700th anniversary of the first Ecumenical Council. The commission has already visited Iznick – the Turkish name for Nicaea – and examined the conditions.

The Mayor of Nicaea is very supportive and ready to collaborate with this Commission. An invitation was also extended to Pope Francis. From what he remembers, this will be their 13th meeting. He also stressed that the date of Easter is not a matter of dogma or faith, but of astronomical calculation.

The initiator of the ‘Easter Together 2025’ project is the I.A.O.. Ioan Vulpescu, its new President (and former Romanian Minister of Education), recalled the meaning of the word ‘ecumenism’ (oikoumene): that is, the inhabited world, the earth conceived as a home where all peoples, all tribes and all languages live. The mission of the I.A.O. is to make every believer, wherever he or she is, in whatever state and within whatever society, feel safe at home. An ‘oikoumene’ to be built through dialogue!

The Patriarch praised the I.A.O.’s efforts to promote Christian values and strengthen dialogue between peoples. He also emphasised its role in defending human rights and promoting peaceful coexistence, in the spirit of love of Christ who said: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God’. He observed with great sadness the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which not only threatens the stability of the region, but is also causing new divisions within the Orthodox Church. He constantly prays for peace and reconciliation.

Less than a week later, on 19th September, the same delegation was received in audience by Pope Francis in Rome. He expressed his joy at the work done and at seeing us together, Christians representing all the families of the Churches. He shared the hope that ‘the common celebration of the Day of the Resurrection may no longer be an exception, but rather become the norm.’ And he encouraged those involved in the search for a shared agreement, ‘avoiding anything that may instead lead to further divisions’.

Speaking on behalf of ‘Easter Together 2025’, Ioan Vulpescu, president of I.A.O., emphasised the positive message that a shared date for Easter could bring to a Europe in crisis. It is wonderful that parliamentarians care about the unity of the Church and its witness in society.

It was touching that Pope Francis took the time to greet us personally, refraining from reading the speech he had prepared (click here to read it>>>>).

Finally, the most important thing for him is not the calendar, but witnessing together the resurrection of Christ, which manifests God’s love for all humanity. ‘Above all’, he continued, ‘Easter does not take place by our own initiative or by one calendar or another. …. Easter belongs to Christ! Moreover, it is good for us to ask for the grace to be ever more his disciples…

Let us therefore seek to reflect, share and plan together, keeping Jesus before us, grateful for his call and eager, in unity, to become his witnesses, so that the world may believe’.

Martin Hoegger

Photo: © VaticanMedia and Centro Uno


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