Europe Day – Encounter in Graz

by | Apr 5, 2022

Together for Europe – culture of reciprocity Since 1999 has grown Together for Europe, an initiative of already more than 300 Christian communities  of different Churches. It is a network which is engaged in shared goals where the charism of each community comes into play. It´s „culture of reciprocity“ contains that individuals and peoples get […]

Together for Europe – culture of reciprocity

Since 1999 has grown Together for Europe, an initiative of already more than 300 Christian communities  of different Churches. It is a network which is engaged in shared goals where the charism of each community comes into play. It´s „culture of reciprocity“ contains that individuals and peoples get to know and appreciate each other, become reconciled and support each other.

Saturday, 7 May 2022, 9 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Minoritensaal, Mariahilferplatz 3, 8020 Graz, Austria

Free parking: Access via Volksgartenstraße-Afritschgasse

Admission: voluntary donation (approx. € 25 for food and conference fee)

The event will be held in German, translations will be provided.


9:00 am Arrival
9:30 am Welcome and spiritual impulse
10:15 am Ways out of divisiveness
Exchange of experiences with participants from Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Austria, …
12:00 Lunch break
13:30 Small city tour (optional)
15.00 Attunement to the prayer for peace
15:30  to 16:30 Prayer for Peace in the Cloister of Minorite Monastery

Registration for the event until Monday, 2. 5. 2022
with surname, first name, language/s, place of residence, country

Overnight reservation (if required), Ms Anna Gigl
Exerzitienhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern, Mariengasse 6a, 8020 Graz
(Near the main station, 15 minutes walk to the Minorite Monastery)

COVID-19 measures according to the current regulations, in any case negative PCR test not older than 72 hours or daily negative antigen test.

Organiser: Together for Europe – AustriaÖsterreich

With the kind support of the Diocese of Graz-Seckau



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To pray is to change reality

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