In Planina (Slovenia) friends of Together for Europe

by | Sep 24, 2015

Excerpts from an update letter about their annual meeting and promotion of a European Event in 2016 in Munich, Germany. In Planina, Slovenia, from November 13 to 15, 2014, 108 representatives of 41 Movements and Communities from 14 Nations have experienced an intense and constructive meeting where it was felt a renewed passion to collaborate […]

Excerpts from an update letter about their annual meeting and promotion of a European Event in 2016 in Munich, Germany.

In Planina, Slovenia, from November 13 to 15, 2014, 108 representatives of 41 Movements and Communities from 14 Nations have experienced an intense and constructive meeting where it was felt a renewed passion to collaborate on a project for a more united Europe.

Main theme of the meeting was the organization of an Event in Munich (Germany), June 30 to July 2, 2016, consisting of two parts: the Congress in Zirkus-Krone-Bau and the Outdoor Rally in a large square. Everybody felt the importance of feeling immediately engaged, so that the Outdoor Rally might be the fruit of life in the cities, marked by a significantly large participation.

The main focus of the Event should be a noteworthy act of reconciliation, expression of a strong yearning for unity. Together for Europe can be a driver in this direction, on account of the ongoing multiple experiences lived throughout the Continent, particularly between people of different Churches. For this reason, the 2016 Event could also be seen as a milestone in the journey towards 2017 (500th anniversary of Luther’s reformation), offering a prophetic sign of a reconciled and united Europe.

The Congress

Will take place from Thursday June 30 to July 1, 2016 in Zirkus-Krone-Bau in Munich, 2,500 seats. The leaders of about 300 Movements, which adhere to Together for Europe, are invited to attend.

The Congress wants to be a privileged occasion to renew the thrust of our Movements and Communities to work for a more harmonious, respectful and supportive Europe, developing projects which will be donated in the square Rally, on July 2.

The Congress will be held in plenary, along with about 15 – 20 forums to allow for dialogue among Movements and Communities about current issues, as well as round tables which will deal with some of the challenges posed by our society, with the help of “experts” from the cultural, political, sports, artistic worlds, etc…

The Outdoor Rally

Will take place on July 2, 2016, in a large square in the Munich centre. The idea is to gather in the morning according to language groups, in various nearby Churches and Institutions, and then march all towards the square around 11.30 am, where we will carry on with the main program (about 90 minutes). This will include short speeches, symbolic gestures, and testimonies. After a break for lunch, we will continue with a “creative program” of about two hours.

On the basis of the experiences of sharing and collaboration lived in the midst of sectarian and nationalistic tendencies present nowadays across Europe, we wish to offer an example of unity in diversity, by offering mainly testimonies of reconciliation, fruits of our daily experiences, lived in our own Communities together with other Movements present in various cities: experiences of “reconciled cultures” apt to build the future in a responsible way.

We would like to involve all European Nations (from North to South, from East to West), the Churches and the different generations. With this goal in mind, we invite everybody not to let any “inspiration” drop aside and put to good fruition ideas and personal acquaintances.

In order to develop and implement these lines, it is vital that until 2016 relations in all cities where Together for Europe is present become stronger. Concretely, we must support a path of reconciliation in the cities, accompanied by a journey of prayer. It is important to be resolved to go to Munich not to receive, but to give. Each bringing his own, it will be the whole that will make possible for the European conscience to recover and grow. In a dynamic reality, we want to give perspective to a European dimension not closed in itself, but open to others.

With the intent to prepare the whole Event together, is at everybody’s disposal to furnish any information, material, etc. that might be needed, as well to receive any suggestions about the form and content of the Event.

Moreover, whoever wishes to also help cover the organization costs can make wire transfers to the account of Together for Europe using the following data:
IBAN code: IT37O0335901600100000113319; SWIFT: BCITITMX771
Country: Italy; Bank name: Banca Prossima; Account owner: PAMOM
Transfer title: “Contribution to the Event Munich 2016”.

A brochure in various languages (diversified according to the needs of the countries) is being worked on, as we aim to reach a significant participation, entrusted to each one’s initiative.

Timely updates and practical information for participation in the Outdoor Rally can be found on this site.


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