Blog italia

Notizie, eventi ed esperienze da tutta l’Italia

Address by Mons. Nunzio Galantino

Address by Mons. Nunzio Galantino

Mons. Galantino, Secretary General of the Italian Bishops' Conference, during the Ecumenical Prayer Celebration in Rome 2017 «You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world». In order to appreciate the force and the scope of this expression, we need to...

Address by Andrea Riccardi

Address by Andrea Riccardi

Andrea Riccardi, Founder of Community of Sant’Egidio, during the Ecumenical Prayer Celebration in Rome 2017 Dear friends, Let us not deny it: many Europeans feel lost and disorientated. Where is Europe going? Will it resist the temptation of division? Europe does not...

Address by Gerhard Pross

Address by Gerhard Pross

Gerhard Pross, Moderator of Together for Europe, during the Ecumenical Prayer Celebration in Rome 2017 Together - for - Europe. There is no more exact way to express the importance this holds for us: Together – for – Europe”. We are an ecumenical network of more than...

Interview with David-Maria Sassoli

Interview with David-Maria Sassoli

Hon. David-Maria Sassoli, Member of the European Parliament, Italy, Democratic Party, during the Ecumenical Prayer Celebration in Rome 2017 Honourable Sassoli, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, which marks the beginning of the European Union,...

Interview with Luca Maria Negro

Interview with Luca Maria Negro

Luca Maria Negro, Baptist Pastor, President of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy (FCEI), during the Ecumenical Prayer Celebration in Rome 2017 An event like the one tonight, where different Christian Churches unite in prayer shows that unity in diversity...

Interview with Donato Falmi

Interview with Donato Falmi

Dr. Donato Falmi, former Director of the Italian New City Publishing House and Co-responsible for the Focolare Movement in Rome and Central Italy, during the Ecumenical Prayer Celebration in Rome 2017 Looking at Europe today, divided and lost, it seems that Chiara...

Interview with Card. Kurt Koch

Interview with Card. Kurt Koch

Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for Europe, 24th March 2017 - Interview with Card. Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity Your Eminence, this Vigil prayer which has brought together different Christian denominations shows that unity in...

Interview with Fr. Heinrich Walter

Interview with Fr. Heinrich Walter

Fr. Heinrich Walter, Responsible for International Coordination of the Schoenstatt Movement, on the occasion of the Ecumenical Prayer Celebration in Rome 2017 In your view, what contribution can Pope Francis offer to the building of a Europe in which there is more...

Rome 2017

Rome 2017

The 25th March 2017 marked the 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. The voice of Together of Europe is heard loud and clear The eve of this anniversary affording an opportunity for politicians, ecclesial leaders and lay people representing the network Together...

This is the Europe we want to build

This is the Europe we want to build

Ecumenical and International Prayer Vigil - Faith opens up to culture On the eve of 24th of March 2017, the Church of the Twelve Holy Apostles (Basilica dei XII Apostoli) in Rome was heaving with some 750 people who gathered for a Vigil commemorating the 60th...

All’interno della rete internazionale di Insieme per l’Europa, nel 2004 a Roma ha preso vita un gruppo di persone di vari Movimenti e Comunità. 

Sempre di più è cresciuto l’interesse anche in altre Regioni italiane e ora esiste una vera e propria rete che abbraccia l’Italia dal Sud al Nord. Soprattutto intorno alla Giornata dell’Europa che si celebra il 9 maggio, la vita di Insieme per l’Europa si traduce in iniziative a livello locale.

In diversi posti si è sviluppata una promettente collaborazione fra esponenti di varie Chiese.

Per sapere di più sull’evento a Roma del 10 maggio 2024 in occasione della Giornata dell’Europa e vedere la registrazione video clicca qui>>

Per informazioni e contatti usa il modulo contatti: clicca qui>>  

In questi anni, i progetti di Insieme per l’Europa nelle varie regioni italiane sono stati sostenuti  dai seguenti Movimenti e Comunità:

  • ADIM Alleanza Dives in Misericordia
  • Anima Europae
  • Associazione Internazionale Caterinati
  • Associazione I AM REV (Palermo)
  • Cammino Neocatecumenale (Trento)
  • Comunità della Quinta Dimensione
  • Comunità di Sant’Egidio
  • Comunità Gesù Risorto
  • Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII
  • Comunità Vittoria di Dio
  • Cursillos de Cristianidad
  • Équipes Notre Dame
  • Francescani Conventuali
  • Istituto San Benedetto
  • Istituzione Teresiana
  • Movimento Apostolico di Schoenstatt
  • Movimento dei Focolari
  • Movimento per un Mondo Migliore
  • Nuovi Orizzonti
  • Parola della Grazia (Palermo)
  • Rinnovamento nello Spirito Santo
  • Società missionaria di S. Paolo
  • Via Pacis

Occasionalmente hanno cooperato altre 15 Aggregazioni laicali.


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