“Europe is going through the dark night of its own principles, the dark night of its dreams. (…) We believe Together for Europe is something which can inspire individuals or associations in their commitment to a free, reconciled, democratic, supportive and fraternal Europe”. Steffen Kern of the Evangelical Confederation of Wuerttemberg continues the reflection on Europe and hope: “Why should we continue to hope as Christians?”. In Stuttgart we have opened the “House of Hope” that welcomes women in trouble and lonely people. We want to witness our commitment that God never abandons anyone”. Thomas Romer (YMCA, Munich) explains that the strength of our continent is Christ and his Gospel: “Jesus is there even in the storms: we need to have faith. He climbed onto the boat to save us”.
This afternoon the Congress opened its doors to dialogue, confrontation and projects. The round table on “Christians and Muslims in dialogue” focused on the need to get to know each other, meet and work together on social and cultural challenges. Pasquale Ferrara, the new Italian Ambassador in Algiers, stressed that dialogue does not happen among cultures or religions, but among people: “We need to be more concrete, to stick to reality”.
Imam Baztami invited everybody to go out of our confort zones and meet different people. Many ideas and projects emerged from the debate among th philosopher of religions Beate Beckmann-Zoeller, dr. Thomas French, the Evangelical pastor Amberg and the french Bishop Michel Dubost. “The remedy to the division between Christians and Muslims is “otherness”, which means to consider the other as a brother, a sister”, said Gérard Testard of Efesia (France).
At the round table “Towards sustainability in Europe” card. Turkson, the environmental engineer Daniel Renzi, Hans-Hermann Böhm, and other experts invited to follow Pope Francis’ invitation to have a serious debate on climate change and ecological issues. Card. Turks concluded that ”sciences and religions should talk together, religions should talk together, and all of them should give their contribute to society together!”.
“Martyrdom, a painful witness of Christians today” is the title of another round table. Michael Brand, member of the Bundestag was present. Concerning the present european situation, he recalled a phrase from St. Boniface: “We do not want to be like dumb dogs”. “Personally I think that, if the terrorist threat comes from abroad – he said – inside our borders we are attacked by an aggressive secularism. I do not fear Islamization of Europe,rather the decrease of Christian faith”.
- Mit Lobpreis in den neuen Tag. (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- “Europa heute – ein Ruf zum Glauben” – Thomas Römer, CVJM München (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- “Europa heute – mit Hoffnung leben” – Steffen Kern, Evangelischer Gemeinschaftsverband, Walddorfhäslach (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- “Europa heute: Das neue Gebot der Liebe schafft eine Kultur des Miteinanders” – Maria Emmaus Voce, Präsidentin der Fokolarbewegung, Rocca di Papa (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- Herbert Lauenroth, Fokolar-Bewegung, Ottmaring: Europa im Zeitalter der Angst (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- Eine musikalische Unterbrechung: Timo Wagner, Saxofon und Benedikt Drockur, Klavier (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- MfE 2016 in München: Eröffnung des zweiten Kongresstages im Circus-Krone-Bau. (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- Ein Zwischenruf: Umbruchzeiten; das Ende des Machbaren und die Bedeutung der Bewegung – Ein Beitrag aus soziologischer Sicht – Prof. Dr. Michael Hochschild, Paris
- Glaube im öffentlchen Raum / La foi dans l’espace public – Gerard Testard, Efesia, Paris (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- Zeichen der Zeit lesen – Blick in die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit – Prof. Marco Impagliazzo, Präsident der Gemeinschaft Sant‘ Egidio, Rom (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- Sr. Dr. Nicole Grochowina, Communität Christusbruderschaft Selbitz, gibt Einblicke in Ergebnisse der Foren, die am ersten Kongressnachmittag strattgefunden haben. (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf
- Die Referenten und Verantwortlichen der Podiumsveranstaltungen am Nachmittag des zweiten Kongresstages sind auf der Bühne versammelt. Dr. Matthias Leineweber und Werner Hübner präsentieren das Podiumsprogramm. (c) MfE, Foto: Haaf