Meeting of “Friends of Together for Europe” 2015

by | Jan 11, 2016

The annual meeting of “Friends” was held at the Mariapolis Centre of Mariënkroon at Nieuwkuijk (Olanda), from 12 to 14 November. The 101 participants (from 39 movements and communities and 12 European countries) worked together on various aspects of “Munich 2016”: the Congress at the Circus Krone Bau (30 June to 1 July) and the […]

The annual meeting of “Friends” was held at the Mariapolis Centre of Mariënkroon at Nieuwkuijk (Olanda), from 12 to 14 November.

The 101 participants (from 39 movements and communities and 12 European countries) worked together on various aspects of Munich 2016”: the Congress at the Circus Krone Bau (30 June to 1 July) and the public manifestation at Karlsplaz – Stachus (2 July)

You can find a general presentation of the event in the Brochure on this site. More detailed information about the Congress for representatives of movements and communities can be found in the flyer, also on this site. More details about the manifestation on 2 July will be added as they become available.

The photos in the gallery show the atmosphere and the level of commitment and collaboration during our days at Mariënkroon, and the deep sharing with our “Friends” from France, who were with us at the time of the terrorist attacks in Paris.

edited by international secretariat


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