Prayer Vigil in Rome on 30.9.2023

by | Sep 15, 2023

TOGETHER2023 – TO SUPPORT THE SYNOD OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH We give space – in summary form – to a communication received from the leaders of the Ecumenical Community of Taizé, promoter of the Vigil. Dear friends, With our team we have returned to Rome for the final preparations of Together. What a joy and […]


We give space – in summary form – to a communication received from the leaders of the Ecumenical Community of Taizé, promoter of the Vigil.

Dear friends,

With our team we have returned to Rome for the final preparations of Together. What a joy and beautiful challenge to walk on the same path with so many of you and also with the Secretariat for the Synod and the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.

The programme for the “Together”-weekend is now on line at

You can see the list of workshops led by many of our different partners at

The songs for the prayer vigil are published at as well as the new Adsumus Sancte Spiritus song prepared especially for the ecumenical prayer vigil of September 30.

If you can’t come, but would like to pray with us on September 30, please see

Perhaps you there is time still to organise a vigil in your own locality. If so, please let our team know at and in that way you can be part of the network of prayer shown at

Our journey is not ending. It is just beginning. What will be the next stages? Let us listen to the Holy Spirit and to each other.

Br Luc and Br Matthew

Download the flyer with all the information>>



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