Proposals that arrived

by | Aug 11, 2017

After requesting suggestions in our May Newsletter for a short subtitle to “Together for Europe”, here are some proposals that arrived (in their original language). Our thanks to each one who contributed, a clear sign of being part of TOGETHER!  ’Europa – la nostra casa comune ’Europa – la Casa della famiglia dei popoli In […]

After requesting suggestions in our May Newsletter for a short subtitle to “Together for Europe”, here are some proposals that arrived (in their original language).

Our thanks to each one who contributed, a clear sign of being part of TOGETHER! 

  • ’Europa – la nostra casa comune
  • ’Europa – la Casa della famiglia dei popoli
  • In the Name of Jesus
  • Cristiani per l’Europa – popoli dal labbro puro, rivestiti delle armi della luce
  • Ein geschwisterliches Europa der Werte
  • Wir bauen auf ein Europa der Geschwisterlichkeit / auf ein Europa der Werte
  • Insieme per l’Europa – pista cristiana verso un mondo migliore di sussidiarietà e solidarietà
  • „Diese Christen bekommen wir nicht mehr auseinander. Sie gehören zusammen“  (Zitat von Reinhard Kardinal Marx)
  • Miteinander für Europa – Christen aus verschiedenen Konfessionen tun sich zusammen
  • Aus Unkenntnis wird ein Staunen über den Reichtum der anderen
  • Ein Synergie-Effekt entsteht. Kräfte werden frei.
  • Europa bekommt ein anderes Gesicht! Das Gesicht Jesu!
  • Innestati nelle radici comuni
  • L’Europa si desta!
  • Europa: casa delle nazioni – Famiglia di popoli
  • Europa delle nazioni – Famiglia di popoli


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Called to Hope

Called to Hope

It is thanks to God that we can hope, and hope is necessary
in today’s world. In 25 years of fraternal cooperation, we have discovered a path that calls God’s people to unity and shows our society more fraternity. 31 October 2024 marks the anniversary of the founding of Together for Europe and the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. A reason to thank God and discover new perspectives.

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