Stuttgart 2007

by | May 30, 2007

“Together for Europe 2007” – Stuttgart, 12th May. Not just an event – a way of looking to the future. A dream of a Continent where Christians engage together with conviction to realise their vision of a “Europe of the Spirit”; signs of an emerging culture of communion; 8,000 people from 250 Movements and Communities meeting […]

“Together for Europe 2007” – Stuttgart, 12th May. Not just an event – a way of looking to the future.

A dream of a Continent where Christians engage together with conviction to realise their vision of a “Europe of the Spirit”; signs of an emerging culture of communion; 8,000 people from 250 Movements and Communities meeting together in the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle in Stuttgart.

Encouragement from Heads of States, the presence of European political leaders and leaders from different Churches. An array of personal stories and initiatives born from lives inspired by the Gospel. The courage to go beyond suffering and difficulties. A conclusive solemn declaration of commitment and plea summed up as “The 7 Yeses” in support of life, peace, creation, family, just economy, solidarity, responsibility towards society.

Many artistic performances witnessing to the beauty and richness of different European cultures.

Parallel events taking place all over the Continent with follow up meetings reflecting the same spirit held in other parts of the world.

Just as in 2004 the event is preceded by a two-day Congress with a total of 2,000 participants.

See the video “Together for Europe 2007”

by the International Secretariat of Together for Europe


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