The Lord’s Prayer – a prayer for Europe

by | Mar 30, 2023

Preparing for 9th May, Europe Day with the “Our Father” The itinerary is 9 days of prayer (a novena) to implore the Holy Spirit on our Continent. Why a Novena? In the last four years we embarked on a six-week prayer journey to prepare for Europe Day on May 9th. However, for 2023, we had […]

Preparing for 9th May, Europe Day with the “Our Father”

The itinerary is 9 days of prayer (a novena) to implore the Holy Spirit on our Continent.
Why a Novena? In the last four years we embarked on a six-week prayer journey to prepare for Europe Day on May 9th. However, for 2023, we had the idea of  praying for nine days.

The oldest novena in Christianity is the nine days between Ascension and Pentecost, when the apostles, together with the women and Mary, the mother of Jesus, received the Holy Spirit.

This year we would like to invite you to pray the novena together throughout Europe, for our Continent and for all the intentions of our network!

The novena was prepared together by Sr. Lioba Ruprecht (Schoenstatt) and Thomas Roemer (YMCA Munich).

Every day we will pray in particular for some European nations.

Beatriz Lauenroth

Download here the novena in English>>
Download here the novena in Ukrainian>>
Download here the novena in czech>>





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