by | Jan 26, 2016

At the beginning of January a number of representatives of Together for Europe visited Card. Koch in Rome. Leaders from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity were also present at the meeting. The open atmosphere which presided over the dialogue was attested to by Gerhard Pross (YMCA Esslingen), Diego Goller (Focolare Movement), Cesare Zucconi […]

At the beginning of January a number of representatives of Together for Europe visited Card. Koch in Rome. Leaders from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity were also present at the meeting.

The open atmosphere which presided over the dialogue was attested to by Gerhard Pross (YMCA Esslingen), Diego Goller (Focolare Movement), Cesare Zucconi (Sant’Egidio), Fr. Heinrich Walter (Schoenstatt), Thomas Römer (YMCA Munich) and Heike Vesper (Focolare Movement) who were also touched by Card. Koch’s openness and availability. During the meeting the Cardinal expressed his hope for a greater level of involvement from the Orthodox Church in the preparatory process for the upcoming event in Munich in June/July 2016. With the intention to contribute to the event and to facilitate the majority of other speakers based in Germany, the Cardinal has made himself available to travel to Germany for a preliminary meeting.

A personal visit to Card. Kasper concluded the day of meetings in Rome. It was also very open and constructive. Gerhard Pross commented: “Over the last 15 years Card. Kasper accompanied and followed us like no other. He has declared his availability to speak at the Congress. The fact that he also involved us in some issues which occupy him at present appears to be a clear sign of the relationship of trust which has grown over the years”.



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Called to Hope

It is thanks to God that we can hope, and hope is necessary
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