A visit to Taizé

by | Mar 19, 2025

A visit among friends. This was the wish of three members of the International Steering Committee of Together for Europe (TfE) when they undertook the trip at the beginning of March. Sister Nicole Grochowina (Christusbruderschaft Selbitz), Father Raffael Rieger (Schönstatt Movement) and Matthias Bühlmann (Vineyard) spent three days in France with the Brothers of Taizé.

The Taizé community is ecumenically oriented and has regular prayer times in the morning, at noon and in the evening, during which the famous Taizé songs, Bible reading, shared silence and participation in communion play a central role. The 60 or so brothers invite young people from all over the world to participate in their life for a week. In fact, about a thousand Portuguese young people were in Taizé at the same time as our delegation.


The shared reading from the book of Joel (2:12-18) led the delegation to a conversation with the prior of the community, Brother Matthew, and Brothers Richard and Andreas. The text struck the readers precisely in reference to Europe, where it says: ‘Tear your hearts and not your garments’. The appeal is addressed to all generations, that they approach God with sincere devotion and ask for his mercy. On this the group agreed. Being in contact with so many young people, the brothers of Taizé also have an insight into their fears, for which they feel an urgent need to be accompanied. Taizé is therefore undoubtedly a spiritual place for young people, where they find a listening ear and understanding.

A Bridge to link Together for Europe?

How can a bridge now be built between Taizé and TfE? The trio recognised that the Brothers’ charism and their contribution to the whole, and consequently also to Europe, lies in their closeness to young people, their fidelity to their prayers and their hospitality. Now the next steps must be identified together, starting with the friendship that has become deeper. And who knows? Perhaps in the future there will be a ‘Together for Europe’ meeting of young people in Taizé? We, together with the brothers, can certainly imagine it.


Sister Nicole, Father Raffael and Matthias returned home happy and full of joy. ‘Besides the meeting with the Taizé brothers, these days brought us closer to each other – we are among the youngest in our Steering Committee. We need such experiences. The trips we make together and the meetings with the different Movements we visit make us realise: ‘Together in Europe is alive and we go on together!’

Beatriz Lauenroth


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