
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

We urgently need a European culture

We urgently need a European culture

If you were President of the European Commission (in other words if you had both the responsibility and the decision-making power), what priorities would be on your agenda to maintain and increase unity of peoples in Europe? I believe the most urgent reform to be...

Being “for” Europe

Being “for” Europe

"We marvel at the action of the Holy Spirit in our times". Cardinal Kasper accompanied and supported Together for Europe network from its very beginnings. On the 30th June 2016, on the occasion of the last Congress in Munich, he shared his views on the importance of...

Slovenia: dialogue among Movements

Slovenia: dialogue among Movements

The 1st February was a special occasion for all involved in Together for Europe in Slovenia. For the very first time, representatives of various Movements presented Together for Europe in the Slovenian Parliament. The delegation received a warm welcome from Jožef...

Does hope have a future?

Does hope have a future?

Much research on the future of our continent has been conducted in areas such as culture, sociology and religion. The European Year of Cultural Heritage broadens this view. What is the specific contribution that Movements and Communities can offer in this regard?...

A Culture of Togetherness becomes clear

A Culture of Togetherness becomes clear

Saturday, December 9th, YMCA-Building in Wuerzburg: about 100 people from nearly 50 initiatives, communities and movements - which are active in Germany and connected in the network Together for Europe - come together for their annual national meeting.   "Together –...

Juntos por México

Juntos por México

Network TOGETHER beyond the ocean The name of the network – Together for Mexico – encompasses a lot. Whilst it may not be possible to grasp the full meaning of the “National Union of Catholic Movements” of Mexico, as the second National Meeting of Juntos por México...

Vienna, a Bridge between East and West

Vienna, a Bridge between East and West

Place of origin: countries of Europe. Shared objective: reconciled unity among different Churches and cultures, solidarity and European integration. From 9th to 11th November 2017 in Vienna (Austria), the annual conference of ecumenical network Together for Europe...

Vienna Cathedral at the Centre of Europe

Vienna Cathedral at the Centre of Europe

An ardent ecumenical prayer service. On the 9th November, 2017, Vienna Cathedral – dedicated to St Stephen - became the focal point for Europe. Visible, inviting, and European – this is how this “Ecumenical Evening Prayer for Europe” came across in the cathedral...

555th year anniversary

555th year anniversary

"Hidden treasures" in Vienna 555th anniversary on 31st October 2017! What am I talking about? Let me explain: 500 years since Luther’s Reformation, 50 years since I was born and 5 years since I have moved to Austria. When I realised this coincidence, I wondered how to...

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