
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

Europe, a promise of peace

Europe, a promise of peace

A meeting at the Vatican to rethink about Europe. Together for Europe was there. «In our time, Christians are called to revitalize Europe and to revive its conscience, not by occupying spaces, but by generating processes capable of awakening new energies in society”....

Friends of Together for Europe meet in Vienna

Friends of Together for Europe meet in Vienna

From 9th to 11th November 2017, the Friends of Together for Europe will come together in Vienna, a bridge between Easter and Western Europe, for their annual congress. A total of 120 participants from around 20 Eastern and Western European countries and 40 Movements...

Decades of surprise

Decades of surprise

‘Behind the iron curtain’ was a metaphorical attribution given to those countries that from the end of the Second World War until 1989 were part of the communist bloc. The ‘iron’ curtain in question represented the ideological split which divided Europe in two halves,...

Openness to dialogue

Openness to dialogue

 A dream can become reality On the eve of the reunion of "Together for Europe" in Vienna (9-11 November 2017), representatives from different Movements present in the Netherlands met in an attempt to answer the question ‘What are the current trends in the Netherlands...

Studying, living, and teaching history

Studying, living, and teaching history

9 November 1989: an unforgettable date in recent history marking the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the evening of that same day I was too transfixed in my chair in front of the TV to notice an unexpected event the import of which my own young generation at the time...



Dialogue, Párbeszéd, Dialog, диалог, Dialogo, Dialóg… A word fundamental to today’s Europe. How can we deepen our understanding of this word? We feel the need for Eastern and Western European countries to continue, or rather, to begin again getting to know each other....

A view of the Balkans by a man from Naples

A view of the Balkans by a man from Naples

It is not easy to sum up more than ten years in Slovenia, Croatia and Romania. I can say that I felt immediately at ease. My early times in Slovenia were demanding, because it was so completely different to where I had come from. I did not speak the language; the...

Further and further East

Further and further East

Rossiya mon Amour   Winter 1991, Moscow. In the early afternoon, my plane touched down in Sheremetyevo Airport. The arrivals hall was poorly lit, the queue outside the passport controls and visas, long. I had gotten a job at the famous Lomonosov University and with...

Welcome to Vienna!

Welcome to Vienna!

WILLKOMMEN, BENVENUTI, WELCOME, VITAJTE, BIENVENUE... The group „Friends of Together for Europe” will meet in Vienna. We are looking forward to this being a great, profound, visible, inviting, serene and European event held Together. The TfE Coordination Team in...

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