
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

Finally, Munich 2016 is online

Finally, Munich 2016 is online

It’s here! Thanks to all who contributed, the complete documentation of the Munich event, from 30 June until 2 July 2016, is now available. There are photos and texts of both the Congress and the outdoor rally. The texts are in English and German. English version >...

Proposals that arrived

Proposals that arrived

After requesting suggestions in our May Newsletter for a short subtitle to “Together for Europe”, here are some proposals that arrived (in their original language). Our thanks to each one who contributed, a clear sign of being part of TOGETHER!  ’Europa - la nostra...

In Assisi among “peers”

In Assisi among “peers”

Together for Europe invited by Italian Association "Cities for Fraternity" Some say that in order to unite Europe, you need to unite European cities. Is there, however, any universal “glue” that is capable of tying together and bringing alive such network? Together...

9th May: Europe Day

9th May: Europe Day

It is encouraging to see the good intentions and new commitment to the European project This day marks the anniversary of the beginning of the process of European integration. On 9th May 1950 Robert Schuman presented a plan for European cooperation known as ‘The...

Slovenia: Veglie in 17 località e servizio TV nazionale

Slovenia: Veglie in 17 località e servizio TV nazionale

Ora è un tempo giusto perché l'Europa si rinnovi In Slovenia si sono svolte veglie di preghiera per l'Europa in 17 città e paesi. Diversi luoghi hanno visto la partecipazioni di Vescovi, come a Ljubljana, l’arcivescovo Stanislav Zore, a Strunjan, Il vescovo Jurij...

60º Trattati di Roma /Trento (Italia)

60º Trattati di Roma /Trento (Italia)

Veglia ecumenica per l'Europa, 24 marzo 2017, Chiesetta di Santa Chiara a Trento. Erano presenti circa 100 persone, fra cui la teologa Milena Mariani, preside dell' Istituto superiore di scienze religiose e, a nome del sindaco Andreatta, l'assessore Chiara Maule. Nel...

Address by Mons. Nunzio Galantino

Address by Mons. Nunzio Galantino

Mons. Galantino, Secretary General of the Italian Bishops' Conference, during the Ecumenical Prayer Celebration in Rome 2017 «You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world». In order to appreciate the force and the scope of this expression, we need to...

Address by Andrea Riccardi

Address by Andrea Riccardi

Andrea Riccardi, Founder of Community of Sant’Egidio, during the Ecumenical Prayer Celebration in Rome 2017 Dear friends, Let us not deny it: many Europeans feel lost and disorientated. Where is Europe going? Will it resist the temptation of division? Europe does not...

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