
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

Charlemagne Prize for Europe

Charlemagne Prize for Europe

On 6th May 2016 in the Sala Regia in the Vatican, Pope Francis was awarded the prestigious Charlemagne Prize. In his address to the eminent guests the Pope offered the award bestowed upon him for Europe as an expression of “our shared hope for a new and courageous...

Europe through the eyes of young people

Europe through the eyes of young people

Europe... Light and shadow... and a lot to offer. An evening with a group of young people from all over the world in the headquarters of the International Secretariat of Together for Europe At the end of April, eight university students some newly graduated, came to...

Video Messages and EU Patronage

Video Messages and EU Patronage

Church leaders will support the network Together for Europe on 2nd July 2016, by sending personal messages; the Council of Europe and the EU Commission confirmed their patronage. In the course of the last weeks both the Vatican, and the Patriarchate in Istanbul...

An important step together in Trastevere

An important step together in Trastevere

85 days to Munich – the Steering Committee busy with the preparations Trastevere in Rome (Italy) is full of people… tourists, families, children, the elderly, people busy with their daily routines… Stepping away from the crowd, a small group turns towards a humble...

European identity and values: an exploration

European identity and values: an exploration

"We shall attempt to draw, out of the historical experience of Europe, values and ideals that could enable us to surmount the present crisis and find a way forward into the future.” This is the subject matter of a panel discussion on Thursday 21 April 2016, 5–7pm -...

Why are you afraid?

Why are you afraid?

“Christians' hope for Europe” is the subtitle for the evening gathering at the YMCA's Hall of Fame, Vienna, February 11th, 2016 Introducing the evening's welcoming address, the piano and saxophone performance conveyed an immediate sense of enthusiasm and...



At the beginning of January a number of representatives of Together for Europe visited Card. Koch in Rome. Leaders from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity were also present at the meeting. The open atmosphere which presided over the dialogue was...

Meeting of “Friends of Together for Europe” 2015

Meeting of “Friends of Together for Europe” 2015

The annual meeting of “Friends” was held at the Mariapolis Centre of Mariënkroon at Nieuwkuijk (Olanda), from 12 to 14 November. The 101 participants (from 39 movements and communities and 12 European countries) worked together on various aspects of “Munich 2016”: the...

Patriarch Bartholomew meets “Together for Europe”

Patriarch Bartholomew meets “Together for Europe”

On 25 November, at the monastery of Ayatrìada on the island of Halki, Patriarch Bartholomew met members of the “Together for Europe” Steering Committee. Their meeting took place during an ecumenical gathering of Bishops organized by the Focolare Movement. The...

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