
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

Visit to Evangelical Bishop Dr. Frank O. July

Visit to Evangelical Bishop Dr. Frank O. July

In mid October some of the leaders responsible for Together for Europe visited Bishop Dr. Frank O. July, Vice-president of the Lutheran World Federation. The meeting was characterised by an extremely cordial atmosphere. Fr. Heinrich Walter (Schoenstatt), Diego Goller...

Together for Europe – an information evening in Montevideo

Together for Europe – an information evening in Montevideo

On September 7, 2015, at the invitation of the YMCA Montevideo (Uruguay) an open information evening was held about Together for Europe . Representatives from 10 different churches and members of the Focolare Movement and the YMCA accepted the invitation. Gerhard...

In Planina (Slovenia) friends of Together for Europe

In Planina (Slovenia) friends of Together for Europe

Excerpts from an update letter about their annual meeting and promotion of a European Event in 2016 in Munich, Germany. In Planina, Slovenia, from November 13 to 15, 2014, 108 representatives of 41 Movements and Communities from 14 Nations have experienced an intense...



From March 6 to 8, Christian Movements of "Together for Europe" held a congress In Loppiano - Incisa Val d'Arno (near Florence), aimed at giving a soul to the Europe of markets and economy. For the approximately 100 participants from various countries of Europe, it...

St. Ulrich Foundation Award

St. Ulrich Foundation Award

“They build bridges in Europe with steps of reconciliation and weaving friendship across borders. The result is a current of hope inspired by the Gospel ...” This is the motivation of the European Prize of St. Ulrich, awarded to the Steering Committee of Together for...

Würzburg and Ischia, 7/12/2013

Würzburg and Ischia, 7/12/2013

From Germany (Würzburg) “A very special day in our ‘Together’” - so the leaders of movements and communities of various Churches in Germany summarized the meeting of 7th December 2013 in Würzburg. 120 people involved in Together for Europe gathered to reflect on the...

Acer Movement: a rich encounter

Acer Movement: a rich encounter

During the annual meeting of the “Friends of Together for Europe” in Paris, on 6th November 2013 representatives of the Focolare Movement visited the headquarters of the Orthodox Movement, Acer-Mjo. Spiritual trust, depth of sharing, discovery of a real friendship in...

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