
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

Why Together for Europe is going to Timisoara

Why Together for Europe is going to Timisoara

Three questions to Bishop József-Csaba Pál, Timisoara (Romania) “This is the time when, in addition to cultural initiatives in museums and in holding memorials, we must also open the doors of our Churches to show the Christian roots of our people, our country and our...

Exchange and inspiration

Exchange and inspiration

Ecumenical Youth Festival 2023 in Timisoara Jean Marc Ziadé (27), born in Lebanon and raised in Luxembourg, currently works as a sales and events manager at a conference centre in the Netherlands. From 4th to 7th May, he attended the Ecumenical Youth Festival in...

Called to unity

Called to unity

The eccumenical network Together for Europe in Timisoara  „Europe lives in Timisoara” - So reads the invitation to the leaders of Movements and Communities of various Churches, who are meeting in the Romanian city this year. Timisoara, European Cultural Capital 2023,...

The art of listening

The art of listening

Interview with Herbert Lauenroth (1) ahead of the next meeting in Timisoara Where do you see the main values of Together for Europe (TfE)? Based on common Christian roots, TfE has made its own the vision of a Europe of solidarity, peace, reconciliation, justice and...

Christians as sentinels keeping watch over Europe

Christians as sentinels keeping watch over Europe

Europe Day 2023 in Milan, Siena and Bari IN MILAN DEEP REFLECTIONS AND COURAGEOUS RESOLUTIONS It was a welcoming house in Via Rovigo in Milan that saw around sixty people from Together for Europe gather for a moment of reflection, discussion and dialogue on the theme...

Europe Day 2023

Europe Day 2023

Flash news from several European Countries France Building on last year's success, Together for Europe wished to repeat a popular mobilisation in Strasbourg: a procession of around 150 people marched peacefully through the city under the slogan: 'Together for Europe -...

Rome is faithful

Rome is faithful

The vigil for Europe continues - 9 May in the Eternal City It was on 24 March 2017 when, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, in the Roman Basilica of the Holy Apostles, packed with people, in the presence of significant ecclesiastical and civil...

Building bridges of hope

Building bridges of hope

Europe Day in Vienna, 6 May 2023. More than 100 people from six Central European countries gathered for the event promoted by 'Together for Europe - Austria' in the Schönstatt Centre in Vienna-Kahlenberg. Under the title 'Building Bridges of Hope', ten speakers shared...

Be the change

Be the change

Together for Europe at the ecumenical Festival for young people in Timisoara, Romania, 1 – 7 May 2023 "Tonight, a dream of mine has come true. You brought with you the message of peace to Timisoara." This is what the Roman Catholic Bishop of Timisoara, József-Csaba...

Timisoara calling!

Timisoara calling!

Warm invitation! For Europe’s Day May 10th, 19:00 CET, by Zoom: one hour of meeting and prayer - and it's all in English. Communities and Movements in Timisoara have invited Together for Europe to the November meeting of its friends. Moreover, Timisoara is the...

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