Called to unity

by | Jun 26, 2023

The eccumenical network Together for Europe in Timisoara  „Europe lives in Timisoara” – So reads the invitation to the leaders of Movements and Communities of various Churches, who are meeting in the Romanian city this year. Timisoara, European Cultural Capital 2023, already tells many stories of ‘togetherness’: indeed, here different cultures meet in faith and life. […]

The eccumenical network Together for Europe in Timisoara

 „Europe lives in Timisoara” – So reads the invitation to the leaders of Movements and Communities of various Churches, who are meeting in the Romanian city this year. Timisoara, European Cultural Capital 2023, already tells many stories of ‘togetherness’: indeed, here different cultures meet in faith and life.

The event aims to highlight the ecumenical network’s call to unity through speeches and testimonies at the local and European level.

Six workshops will offer the opportunity to come into lively contact with the realities of the city: Orthodox spirituality, social hot spots, East-West relations, youth engagement, steps on the road to peace are some of the topics. Let us be guarantors of a Europe that lives from its Christian roots.

Timisoara is a place of hope. The two days are addressed to the current and future leadership of Movements and Communities, who wish to make a sign of hope:

  • Together, rather than against each other!
  • East and West come together!
  • Unity is possible!

As Communities and Movements we are ready to live our charism of unity in a new way and to “enter again into the rifts” (Ez 22:30) for Europe, the Churches and society. We are looking forward to seeing you!

The Together for Europe Secretariat

Flyer with register link>>



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Called to Hope

Called to Hope

It is thanks to God that we can hope, and hope is necessary
in today’s world. In 25 years of fraternal cooperation, we have discovered a path that calls God’s people to unity and shows our society more fraternity. 31 October 2024 marks the anniversary of the founding of Together for Europe and the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. A reason to thank God and discover new perspectives.

Christian Roots and the Future of Europe

Christian Roots and the Future of Europe

On the evening of Europe Day 2024, Jeff Fountain, Director of the Schuman Centre for European Studies in Amsterdam, and former Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger spoke at an online conference on the topic: Let us speak and pray for Europe. More than 100 participants in Europe followed the keynote speeches with great interest.

Wake up, Europe!

Wake up, Europe!

Together for Europe (TfE) in Belgium celebrated Europe Day together with the Schuman Centre. The conference, entitled ‘Wake up Europe’, was prepared in cooperation with the Capella for Europe, the TfE Belgium committee, the EEA (European Evangelical Alliance) and the Carmelite Church, where the Forum was held. The participants at the Forum came from various Western and Eastern European countries (Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Sweden, Germany, Italy, France, Ukraine), as well as a few participants from Armenia.