
Together for Europe 2012

Brussels, 12 May 2012

‘A stream of hope’: this was the title of the day’s central Event in Brussels, the third major Event promoted by Together for Europe. More than a thousand people from all over Europe gathered in the Gold Hall: these included personalities from the world of politics and culture, from the Churches, and representatives of Christian Movements and Communities. The numerous messages and patronages were significant.

A new feature compared to the other events is the creation – at the same time as the Brussels meeting – of an extensive network of similar events, promoted in 152 cities in 22 European Countries. Many actions in the spirit of the ‘7 YES’ pronounced in Stuttgart in 2007 have materialised at various levels in recent years.

The initiatives are the most varied: a human chain that has covered the perimeter of an island, hot air balloons, concerts, discussion panels, marches, demonstrations in the streets and squares… In many cities many boys and girls support the initiative with their ‘Run4Unity’. Young people were also present in Brussels with the ‘Face2faith in Europe’ initiative. At the end of the day, tens of thousands of people connected via satellite to Brussels addressed a message of hope, unity and peace to Europe.


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