Complementing and enriching each other

by | Jul 22, 2024

Theresia Fürpaß comes from Styria/Austria and is one of the driving forces of Together for Europe (TfE) in the region. She worked in the microbiological laboratory of a hospital and as a ‘hobby’ took a course in theology; she is now retired. For months she has been working intensively in the team preparing the next Friends of TfE meeting in Graz in November 2024.

At the big Together for Europe meeting in Stuttgart in 2007 I realised for the first time that there are convinced and committed Christians in other Churches with whom I immediately connected. Moreover, I experienced a rich and varied life, full of joy. I would like to promote this life also in my environment.

We continually entrust our requests to God in a prayer we have formulated together. We booked lodgings and the conference centre and also found a company to provide translation equipment. A band is being formed for the musical programme. Some of us participate in the international online meetings of the teams dedicated to the programme and organisation, which each time give us inspiration. To keep costs down, we are looking for sponsors; some we have already found.

We are very happy that, in addition to the supporters of Together for Europe, our friends who care about the unity of the different Christian communities and unity in Europe can also attend the meeting. Those who wish to get to know our network are also invited; we are surprised by the many positive reactions. People in positions of responsibility in Churches and politics are also showing interest. I am amazed at how many good things are possible in mutual love, which is the basis for our decisions.

I would spontaneously say that we should let everyone experience togetherness. If people get to know each other, they gain trust and experience that they can complement and enrich each other. It is precisely this that I experience again and again in Together for Europe.

Every person is a child of God and therefore I aim to treat my neighbours with care and respect. This makes it easier to face many of life’s difficulties, because one feels acceptance and support. I am always deeply touched when, without any expectations, I do something with Christians from other communities and the elementary aspects of life are dealt with in great agreement.

Cornelia Koni Brand


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