
by | Sep 30, 2017

Dialogue, Párbeszéd, Dialog, диалог, Dialogo, Dialóg… A word fundamental to today’s Europe. How can we deepen our understanding of this word? We feel the need for Eastern and Western European countries to continue, or rather, to begin again getting to know each other. This is the premise for the upcoming meeting of Friends of Together […]

Dialogue, Párbeszéd, Dialog, диалог, Dialogo, Dialóg…

A word fundamental to today’s Europe. How can we deepen our understanding of this word? We feel the need for Eastern and Western European countries to continue, or rather, to begin again getting to know each other. This is the premise for the upcoming meeting of Friends of Together for Europe in Vienna (9th -11th November 2017) which will be a ‘workshop’ on this topic.

We have been looking for speakers on this extremely pertinent theme. Many of you no doubt would have something of value to contribute. To date we have considered including experiences from the following people:

Gennaro Lamagna   A view of the Balkans by a man from Naples>

Beatriz Lauenroth  Further and further East>

Tanino Minuta (to be published online in October)

Maria Bruna Romito (to be published online in October)


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Called to Hope

It is thanks to God that we can hope, and hope is necessary
in today’s world. In 25 years of fraternal cooperation, we have discovered a path that calls God’s people to unity and shows our society more fraternity. 31 October 2024 marks the anniversary of the founding of Together for Europe and the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. A reason to thank God and discover new perspectives.

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