Immersion in the Spirit

by | Jun 15, 2022

Empowering Europe On the weekend of 10-12 June 2022, Empowering Europe ( organized a long-awaited in presence meeting for its members after the Corona pandemic. For this meeting, the young Movement (founded in 2018) chose the Conference Centre of the Focolare Movement in the Netherlands ( The days were marked by a deep encounter with God […]

Empowering Europe

On the weekend of 10-12 June 2022, Empowering Europe ( organized a long-awaited in presence meeting for its members after the Corona pandemic.

For this meeting, the young Movement (founded in 2018) chose the Conference Centre of the Focolare Movement in the Netherlands (

The days were marked by a deep encounter with God and with each other. The friendship of the two Movements, which are both involved in together4europe, also left its mark on the meeting.

“We were able to look into the heart of Jesus”, said one of the participants at the end. And another one: “It was an immersion in the Spirit of God. We go back to our everyday lives strengthened and refreshed.”

Beatriz Lauenroth


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