Blog italia

Notizie, eventi ed esperienze da tutta l’Italia

Self-awareness, serving the common good

Self-awareness, serving the common good

In Rome, at the event organised for Europe Day, I meet Aldo Bernabei, who has long been committed in the political world to create opportunities for young Europeans to meet, engage socially and work together. On this occasion, he tells me about a recent European Union Project: the European Solidarity Corps.

Reawakening responsibility

Reawakening responsibility

The event organised on the occasion of Europe Day 2024 in Rome on 10 May was attended by around 150 people. Alongside members of various Movements and Communities were people from the European institutions, including Hon. Silvia Costa and Filippo Sassoli, brother of David M. Sassoli. In the second part of the programme, an ecumenical prayer took place in the adjacent church: 10 Churches and Ecclesial Communities were present.

Christians as sentinels keeping watch over Europe

Christians as sentinels keeping watch over Europe

Europe Day 2023 in Milan, Siena and Bari IN MILAN DEEP REFLECTIONS AND COURAGEOUS RESOLUTIONS It was a welcoming house in Via Rovigo in Milan that saw around sixty people from Together for Europe gather for a moment of reflection, discussion and dialogue on the theme...

Rome is faithful

Rome is faithful

The vigil for Europe continues - 9 May in the Eternal City It was on 24 March 2017 when, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, in the Roman Basilica of the Holy Apostles, packed with people, in the presence of significant ecclesiastical and civil...

Education, our only possibility

Education, our only possibility

2022 Europe Day in Italy - Videoconference regarding good practices in education offered by young people from diverse Movements. This year, Europe Day chose to underline a topic which could seem out of order seeing that there is a war raging in Europe.Together for...

Dreams and visions

Dreams and visions

This is what the students of a Roman college had to say regarding the future of the Continent: active citizenship in Europe starts with education! That’s quite true, and easily shown through facts! “Your elders shall have dreams, and your young people shall have...

For the Earth and for Mankind

For the Earth and for Mankind

During a zoom conference to mark the 2021 Europe Day, Prof Luigino Bruni put forward a novel perspective regarding the relationship between ecology and economy. Luigino Bruni is Professor of Political Economy at LUMSA, Rome, and also teaches at the University...

Italy in action

Italy in action


Italy ‘Together’: it’s time for a New Humanity

Italy ‘Together’: it’s time for a New Humanity

Europe Day 2020 - “It was a little great miracle... an event in which we participated and not simply assisted at”. This is an immediate feedback – one of many – that we have received. The preparation Indeed, we really put our faith in this online opportunity: to be...

Leafing through the Album of Together for Europe

Leafing through the Album of Together for Europe

After the celebrations of the 20th anniversary, the life of the network of Together for Europe continues. Following are brief news from Portugal, Italy and Slovenia. PORTUGAL On January 22, 2020, the Lisbon TfE group organized a moment of prayer in the chapel of a...

All’interno della rete internazionale di Insieme per l’Europa, nel 2004 a Roma ha preso vita un gruppo di persone di vari Movimenti e Comunità. 

Sempre di più è cresciuto l’interesse anche in altre Regioni italiane e ora esiste una vera e propria rete che abbraccia l’Italia dal Sud al Nord. Soprattutto intorno alla Giornata dell’Europa che si celebra il 9 maggio, la vita di Insieme per l’Europa si traduce in iniziative a livello locale.

In diversi posti si è sviluppata una promettente collaborazione fra esponenti di varie Chiese.

Per sapere di più sull’evento a Roma del 10 maggio 2024 in occasione della Giornata dell’Europa e vedere la registrazione video clicca qui>>

Per informazioni e contatti usa il modulo contatti: clicca qui>>  

In questi anni, i progetti di Insieme per l’Europa nelle varie regioni italiane sono stati sostenuti  dai seguenti Movimenti e Comunità:

  • ADIM Alleanza Dives in Misericordia
  • Anima Europae
  • Associazione Internazionale Caterinati
  • Associazione I AM REV (Palermo)
  • Cammino Neocatecumenale (Trento)
  • Comunità della Quinta Dimensione
  • Comunità di Sant’Egidio
  • Comunità Gesù Risorto
  • Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII
  • Comunità Vittoria di Dio
  • Cursillos de Cristianidad
  • Équipes Notre Dame
  • Francescani Conventuali
  • Istituto San Benedetto
  • Istituzione Teresiana
  • Movimento Apostolico di Schoenstatt
  • Movimento dei Focolari
  • Movimento per un Mondo Migliore
  • Nuovi Orizzonti
  • Parola della Grazia (Palermo)
  • Rinnovamento nello Spirito Santo
  • Società missionaria di S. Paolo
  • Via Pacis

Occasionalmente hanno cooperato altre 15 Aggregazioni laicali.


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