Juntos por México

by | Dec 19, 2017

Network TOGETHER beyond the ocean The name of the network – Together for Mexico – encompasses a lot. Whilst it may not be possible to grasp the full meaning of the “National Union of Catholic Movements” of Mexico, as the second National Meeting of Juntos por México (JXM), held in the city of Querétaro, from […]

Network TOGETHER beyond the ocean

The name of the network – Together for Mexico – encompasses a lot. Whilst it may not be possible to grasp the full meaning of the “National Union of Catholic Movements” of Mexico, as the second National Meeting of Juntos por México (JXM), held in the city of Querétaro, from 6th to 8th October 2017 demonstrates, it can be experienced. 60 or more Ecclesial Movements, Associations of lay people, Catholic institutions, representatives of the Council from more than 90 dioceses of Mexico (a significant majority of dioceses in Mexico), approximately 4,700 people, young and old all “together for…” a brotherly Mexico, a society enlightened, healed and regenerated by the Gospel, that is, by Love. A space of dialogue and communion was created, to bring ahead an evangelisation within the Church to “go out together” and work in building a new society.

The concluding Manifesto launched at the end of the event and ratified by the signatures of the participants (and mounted on a 20m banner) read: “We aspire to be a new people. Wherever we come together and meet, called by the One who invites us to serve and work in love of neighbour, we will work to lay seeds and inspire others with a vision of a Mexico where there is more solidarity in its civic values, where there is more unity in its cultural diversity, a country that decisively promotes the human person.

As pinpointed by Carlos Valle e Esther Pérez, the national responsible for JXM on the occasion of the first official press conference, this is not just a vague aspiration but is already confirmed by the life and witness of many. The fundamental role of communion, unity, need for reflexion and the role of women were highlighted. The participants among whose numbers was also Mons. Faustino Armendáriz, Bishop of the diocese of Querétaro, stressed the role of the laity in any civil action that upholds family values and promotes social justice.

The theme of Family was also central to the message prepared for the meeting by Pope Francis, which was aimed at supporting and facilitating initiatives for the family, for unity and for life, and which expressed a wish for “an abundance of fruits so that Mexican society can become an authentic family in which no one feels excluded, where everyone can experience in their lives God’s tender closeness”.

Celebration, songs, reflections, workshops – a varied programme aimed at setting a course towards fulfilling the slogan: “Lay people, let us go out together to renew the world. The time is now!”

The earthquake which hit the country between 7th and 19th September and left a trail of destruction, also created a sense of solidarity which blossomed spontaneously and powerfully in the most affected areas. This solidarity showed the “real self” of the Mexican people and echoed a call that this sense of self shine out not only in situations of emergency, but also in the daily life of society.

The 12 workshops covered many important areas of social renewal including: economics, politics, education, migration, culture of legality (vs. social corruption), communication, ecology, social volunteering, youth, family, social fabric, rebuilding of peace and the social doctrine of the Church.

A new initiative was also launched, spearheaded by a network of volunteers who will work to connect various existing voluntary social programmes promoted by the Movements. The social areas where these programmes take place are many and different – hence the network’s task to open up new possibilities for mutual collaboration, thereby increasing the possibility for participation and ultimately increasing the positive impact in Mexican society.

Raffaele Massolin


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