Online, and yet, fully analogical

Online, and yet, fully analogical

“What is being highlighted here is the anti-virus of fraternity”. On November 14, 2020, about 300 Friends of Together for Europe (TfE) met on the World Wide Web for their annual meeting. Representatives of about 40 Movements that are highly involved in the network experienced a moment of intense communion and sharing, thus making up “a most beautify mosaic of faces and Communities” at the service of others in many various areas.  

 One of the messages received during the event read: “It is as if today we are re-writing the Acts of the Apostles”.

This year many more were involved in the preparations! 14 local groups of TfE in Eastern and Western Europe – ranging from Portugal to Ukraine, from Russia to Northern Ireland, and from Greece to Czech republic – presented a variegated mix of experiences by means of videos, photos and written contributions. After this, more than ever before, the “invisible network” that binds them all together seemed denser and more real. One of the participants affirmed: “We find ourselves in today’s Areopagus from where we can encourage people”.

All the Movements and Communities offer a visible contribution toward a more united humanity through “their praying together, their living together and by their common commitment in favour of the others”.

There was an active participation in the meeting through a myriad of chats

One session of the day focused upon the question: How are our charisms shining at this time of coronavirus? This entails listening to what God is telling us today. Through the pandemic He is sounding an alarm bell. Through prayer, the Movements put themselves at His service and, in a culture of alliance they deepen their relationship with God and between themselves, spiritually as well as materially. In a culture of the encounter they learn anew how to dialogue, without losing their own identity, and, among other things, through the solidarity with the poor, they bear visible witness to their love for God and for humanity.

The St Egidio Community, the Schönstatt Movement, the still young Movement Efisia that was born in France, a member of the YMCA Esslingen representing the Leadership Group and the Focolare Movement shared their experiences of how their charisms have responded in solidarity and in a creative way to the challenges brought about by the pandemic. Some of the participants have expressed what they have experienced with such phrases as: “Covid strengthened our unity”; and “The new form of Church is a lived-out friendship”.

At one point, the participants were divided into more than 40 groups, and this gave them the possibility of sharing even very personal experiences. Through this exercise, the participants became more aware of the importance, now more than ever, of the relationships between them and with all the others: “The Kingdom of God is made up of relationships. We ought to share even the difficulties so that the other may experience the love of God. Let us look toward the future together, and see us all part of this network. When we are together, we are stronger and can see even further”.

At the end of the afternoon session Julio from Portugal affirmed: “Now is the time of the Christians in Europe”, and on behalf of the Movements in Portugal, invited the Friends for next year’s meeting, which is scheduled for 4-6 November 2021 in the city of Porto.

The 2020 meeting came to an end with a solemn prayer. Albeit online, the participants, who came practically from all over Europe, have experienced the presence of God, and together they prayed for strength and trust so as to be ever more signs of hope and help for humanity. One woman affirmed: “Today, humanity is experiencing fear, uncertainty and confusion. I’m sure that all the elements that emerged during this meeting constitute an efficacious antidote to all that is negative”.

International Secretariat of TfE

Graphic: ©Together4Europe


Looking at “the score” from Above

Looking at “the score” from Above

“The music score is written in heaven; let us listen together to the Holy Spirit and then let us do what he says”. This is how Chiara Lubich defined precisely the beginning of Together for Europe (TfE). The initiators of TfE dedicated themselves unreservedly to this program. Some have already reached their final destination: Chiara Lubich (1920-2008) and Helmut Nicklas (1939-2007). Recently they were joined by Sr Anna Maria aus der Wiesche (1952-2020) and last year by Fr Michael Marmann (1937-2019).

They were persons who were so deeply rooted in their respective Church and Community that they could trustily allow the Holy Spirit to guide them into the vastness of Together for Europe. Indeed, TfE knows its existence and achievement to their courageous witnessing, trust and farsightedness.

Sr ANNA MARIA AUS DER WIESCHE, Communität Christusbruderschaft Selbitz  was a woman who, albeit sweet, was indomitable, determined and prophetically gifted [1]

Gerhard Pross, a member of the Steering Committee of TfE, writes:

Sr Anna Maria left us on August 31, 2020. It is with profound gratitude that I look back on her contribution, which lasted 20 years, toward the moulding of TfE. In the year 2000, in Germany, together with Thomas Roemer and myself, she chaired a “Meeting of Evangelical leaders”; on that occasion, Chiara Lubich and Bishop Ulrich Wilckens facilitated the great event of reconciliation between the various Confessions. Besides its birth on October 31, 1999 at Ottmaring, this was a fundamental stage for TfE and for its mission of unity. Since the very beginning, Sr Anna Maria was part of the Steering Committee of TfE; together with others she chaired the great Congresses held in Stuttgart in 2004 and 2007, as well as the reconciliation gathering between the Churches during the Munich event in 2016.

She possessed an innate aptitude for leadership. Apart from a clear vision and the capacity to integrate, she also had a well-defined spiritual vision. One of her gifts was the love of persons: she made her closeness felt to individuals, while, at the same time, she was aware of the bigger picture. Her thoughts and actions were moulded by her donation to God, her love for the Church and a life spent for unity. She discerned the signs of the times very carefully and she was always ready to welcome the common listening of what was important at that moment. Her positive outlook on life, her joy and her laughter were contagious. Sr Anna Maria leaves behind a great void. Let us keep her in our heart as a sign of our gratitude for all that we received through her.

Fr MICHAEL MARMANN – a man of communion, strong and free [2]

 Just before the first great manifestation of TfE in Stuttgart in 2004, Fr Marmann stated: “We feel that this process in action in Europe is a clear sign of times. And the signs of times are God’s voices. Christianity cannot be solely a religious superstructure: it has to embrace the whole person”. In 1991, he was elected Superior General of the Schoenstatt Fathers, and, at the same time, he was also president of the General Presidium of the Movement. In this capacity, he was a pioneer of ecumenical openness and communion between Movements of diverse Churches. “He had a natural openness for an enhanced communion between spiritual Movements, especially in the network ‘Together for Europe’ (…). He was strongly convinced that the unity of the Churches and their reawakening is a decisive condition for a new vital bond between the autonomous and fragmented world and its infinite origin.[3]

In him, Fr Heinrich Walter, saw a ‘prophetic’ attention and sympathy; “by ‘prophetic’ I mean a response to today’s challenges that goes beyond expectations, brings about synergies and triggers off un-hoped for processes[4]This happened even after the Pentecost vigil with John Paul II in St Peter’s square in 1998: Fr Michael immediately joined Chiara Lubich, Andrea Riccardi, Salvatore Martinez and Frances Ruppert (Cursillos de Cristiandad) to form the first nucleus of communion that the Pope wished to see between New Movements and Communities. The following year, the circle was enlarged with the members of the Communities of the Lutheran Evangelical Church: and ‘Together for…’ was born!

In 2001, a meeting was held in Munich to update the members of the Movements about the strong experience that their leaders had done. In front of 5000 persons, Chiara proposed to the audience to seal a pact of mutual love. The first to agree were Helmut Nicklas and Fr Michael Marmann. This ‘pact’ has become the basis of all that has been achieved since then through a common commitment. Thank you Father Michael!

For more information see the Video Story >>

Compiled by Cornelia Karola Brand, international secretariat of TfE

[1] From the letter of condolences of Herbert Lauenroth, Ottmaring
[2] cfr. Ekklesia, n.4 (2019/3), S.51-53
[3] Obituary by Fr Theo Breitinger, Provincial of the Schoenstatt Fathers, February 2019.
[4] cfr. Ekklesia, n.4 (2019/3), S.51-53
Virtual Meeting of the “Friends of TfE” in autumn 2020

Virtual Meeting of the “Friends of TfE” in autumn 2020

The annual meeting of the “Friends” of Together for Europe will be held on 12-14 November 2020. This time round, however, it will have two parts: national and European.

This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the international Meeting, originally scheduled for Warsaw, Poland, cannot be held with people being physically together.

On a European level, there will be a ZOOM link-up on November 14, 2020. During the day there would be several inputs, sharing (in the four languages: French, English, German and Italian) and a common prayer. The focal point would be the question: How did the various charisms, which are linked together in Together for Europe, tackle the pandemic? Through our sharing we will come to know each other even deeper.

Preparatory national meetings

Prior to our European meeting, we invite you to meet in each Country. The invitation letter stated: “This could take place a few days, or weeks, just proceeding November 14; this meeting could be physical or virtual – depending on the restrictions imposed in each Country”. The aim of the national meetings is to prepare a contribution for the European meeting.

Looking ahead at 2021

Pandemic permitting, the usual Friends’ Meeting on a European level is scheduled for 4 – 7 November 2021, and hopefully we could greet each other physically. The Country and the exact venue have still to be decided.

International secretariat of TfE


Political projects need to be spiritually nurtured

Political projects need to be spiritually nurtured

Together for Europe has received a letter from David Maria Sassoli, the president of the European Parliament. He emphasized the great need of the common European values to tackle crises. He also added that he would be delighted to keep in contact with our network.

In a letter addressed to Together for Europe (TfE), David Maria Sassoli, the president of the European Parliament, expressed his gratitude to the ecumenical network for its service toward the European Continent. Mr Sassoli observed that even Europe’s Founding Fathers were fully aware that the political project EUROPE could function properly only if nurtured also with a lived-out spirituality. He affirmed that: “European shared values, as agreed upon by Member States when signing the EU Treaties, are more needed than ever to overcome crises, including the current COVID-19 pandemic”.

Fighting selfish egoistic and nationalistic temptations

The president underlined how much he appreciates all the initiatives that “stimulate public discussions on civic matters”. In the European Parliament’s aims and in the commitment of the network Together for Europe, he sees “a shared approach based on solidarity and idealism”. Indeed, the COVID-19 crisis, the need for more ecology and the way the European Union deals with third-county nationals arriving on its territory “are all issues that cannot be tackled without fighting selfish and nationalistic temptations”.

Encouragement for future steps

The ecumenical network considers this letter of appreciation to be an encouragement for future steps. The letter from Brussels shows that prayer and action for Europe, like the initiatives linked to May 9, are an important contribution toward its unity.

Heinrich Brehm / Beatriz Lauenroth

Letter of the president of the European Parliament David-Maria Sassoli to Together for Europe, 7 july 2020



Crossing Europe in one day

Crossing Europe in one day

Living May 9, 2020, online: Due to Covid-19, all the events planned for the Europe Day, which involved Together for Europe were held online. Together for Europe was in contact with persons from all over the Continent through discussions, conferences, prayers and singing.


In Italy, more than 900 Friends of Together from all over the Country joined in a Zoom conference. The theme was: “Integral ecology: a sustainable utopia for Europe”; two keynote speeches dealt with how to work for the planet’s better present and an even better future by respecting nature and persons. The meeting was concluded with an ecumenical prayer with representatives of numerous Churches and Communities, and with the renewal of the ‘pact’ of mutual love.

The Netherlands

Two conferences, one based in Utrecht and another in Amsterdam, were held in The Netherlands. “Utrecht in Dialogue” and “Pax” provided small online groups with food for thought during their lively discussions regarding ideas about Europe. Many young people took part.

The ‘Schuman Centre’ discussed the present situation of the Continent. 70 years ago, Robert Schuman announced his plan to start laying the foundations for a European Home embracing 500 million inhabitants. Jeff Fountain, the founder of the ‘Schuman Centre’, which was established ten years ago, concluded the discussion with an unusual form of prayer. He sang in English on the tune of “Ode of joy”, the Europahymnus, a rewritten interpretation: “With the vision now before us of a true community / Of all European peoples, rich in our diversiy / Let us pray and work together for our solidarity / Peace, equality and freedom, rooted in your charity.

Austria and Eastern Europe

The City of Graz was linked to six Countries for an exchange of lived out experiences. The Friends of Together in Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary and Northern Italy shared how they were living the Covid-19 crisis in the spirit of mutual support. At the end, Bishop Wilhelm Krautwaschl thanked the participants for their witnessing as an international community, and concluded saying: “In spite of our differences and separations, through the cross we are all united one to the other”.


The YMCA of Esslingen-Stuttgart thought that at the planned prayer meeting, only locals would participate. However, when they moved the event online, the Friends of Together were linked to other Movements in diverse German, Italian and Dutch cities. Indeed, for all of them the evening turned out to be a true experience of Togetherness.


In France there were 34 link-ups scattered in Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg, Toulouse and Tours that formed a national network that manifested the diversities between the groups, and, at the same time, a profound mutual esteem. Gérard Testard (Efesia) encouraged the participants to make the ‘French voice’ ever more present in Europe. One of the participants concluded: “It was a moment of fraternity and trust in Europe that filled us all with a new hope”.

Beatriz Lauenroth

The events will be available online in the next few days on:

Amsterdam : facebook schuman centre>>

Italy ‘Together’: it’s time for a New Humanity

Italy ‘Together’: it’s time for a New Humanity

Europe Day 2020 – “It was a little great miracle… an event in which we participated and not simply assisted at”. This is an immediate feedback – one of many – that we have received.

The preparation

Indeed, we really put our faith in this online opportunity: to be connected just as nature is connected! We had faith in God’s creativity, and within a few days, the Holy Spirit used our ‘few loaves and fishes’ (cf. John 6,9) to bring about an impressive ecumenical event, at which several Christian leaders took part. Their presence all over Italy is the fruit of a long and loving endeavour of communion, dialogue and nurturing of relationships that the various Committees have carried out in every Region. The commitment to build unity was evident in every word, gesture and expression.

The idea was the brainchild of the Rome Committee of the ‘Together for Europe’ network. Then the other Committees in Italy came together to organize this online event, and, notwithstanding the fact that they never met, they all lived a profound experience of brotherhood and the impression was that they have been working together for two months, and not for just two weeks. In practice they lived out among themselves the ‘Pact of mutual love’ (inspired by Jn 13, 34), which is, after all, the foundation of all that is done under the auspices of Together for Europe 

May 9, 2020 at 6 p.m.: Italy TOGETHER online!

The initiative was underwritten by 25 Movements and Communities that adhere to TfE; there were about 500 links connected from all over the Country, and this added solemnity to the Feast of a United Europe! Taking part, among many others, was the Hon. Stefano Fassina and several local administrators. Also, there were 45 ministers of Christian Churches and Communities. Much appreciated were the messages sent by Bishop Giovanni Traettino (Founder of the Pentecostal Church of Reconciliation), which was read out by Pastor Mauro Adragna (C.R.R. Palermo) and by Pastor Luca Maria Negro, President of the Federation of the Evangelical Churches in Italy.

Toward an integral ecology

While commemorating the 70th anniversary of the ‘Schuman Declaration’, the event focused upon the ‘Yes to Creation’, that is, how to protect the natural environment, which is a gift given to us by God, and which we ought to safeguard for future generations. The overall title of the keynote speeches was: “Integral ecology: a sustainable utopia for Europe”.  Reflections were offered by Stefania Papa, professor and expert on ecology, and Luca Fiorani, a physicist, who is an expert on climate; there were also video messages by Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew I and Antonio Gutierrez (Secretary General of UNO) on the occasion of the 50th Earth Day. All these instilled an awareness that together we can work for a better present and an even better future, within a framework of respect, cooperation and reciprocity.

Ecumenical prayer

It was in this spirit that the ecumenical prayer was lived out by the representatives of the various Churches. Dr Costantino Vacros (of the Greek Orthodox Church) started by reading Genesis 1, 26 – 31, which was followed by a rich input by the Baptist Pastor Gabriela Lio, President of the Federation of Evangelical Women in Italy. We then prayed with Pastor Nino Genova (New Pentecost Movement) and with diverse representatives of Catholic Movements and Communities. Then all together – joyfully, in full harmony and solemnly – we renewed the Pact of mutual love. We sealed that day with the Our Father, in order to remind ourselves that we are ONE and that together we can bring about a New Humanity.

Emanuela Cannella – Press Office TfE, Rome
You can review the event on facebook TfE Rome>> and on youtube>>.
We propose here some of the still-images made by Emanuela Cannella and Emanuela Fioravanti.

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