Reawakening responsibility

by | May 16, 2024

The event organised on the occasion of Europe Day 2024 in Rome on 10 May was attended by around 150 people. Alongside members of various Movements and Communities were people from the European institutions, including Hon. Silvia Costa and Filippo Sassoli, brother of David M. Sassoli. In the second part of the programme, an ecumenical prayer took place in the adjacent church: 10 Churches and Ecclesial Communities were present.

On the occasion of Europe Day 2024, the 10 May the event organised in Rome took place in the S. Maria in Campitelli complex. Among the 150 or so people present, members of various Movements and Communities of the Network in Rome, were people from the European Institutions, including Hon. Silvia Costa, and Filippo Sassoli, brother of David M. Sassoli.

The keynote speech by Claudio Sardo, a long-standing journalist who has been working for several years in the secretariat of Sergio Mattarella, the President of the Republic, was of great depth. His historical and sociological analysis offered much food for thought, and his assessments underlined the principles that motivate us.

This was followed by some good practices, including those of some young people: Giulia Covalea from the A. Megalizzi Foundation, Fabiola Marotti as ‘Ambassador of a United World’ and two 5th grade students who spoke about the Mediterranean Festival.

Young people also featured in the high-level musical interludes.

At the start, it seemed quite appropriate to play Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, first played exactly 200 years ago, and since 1985 the official anthem of the European Community.

In the adjoining, spacious church, an ecumenical prayer took place; 10 Churches and Ecclesial Communities took part. Accompanied by the choir, made up of people from various Movements and Communities, prayers and intentions were expressed to emphasise peace and love of neighbour. As a tangible sign, bread was distributed to each participant: this bread was then spontaneously exchanged with others. The service ended with the solemn joint blessing of the Church representatives.

Refreshments provided an opportunity to continue and deepen relations and knowledge among the participants.

The team of Together for Europe in Rome

Download Claudio Sardo’s intervention here>>

See the video of the event on YouTube (Italian)>>

Photo: Riccardo / Diego Goller


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