Stopping for peace

by | May 23, 2024

In the central square of Würzburg (Germany) people prayed together for peace on 8 May, on the eve of Europe Day 2024. The aim was also to make known how some of those taking part were committed to peace in their everyday lives and to encourage those present to do the same.

In the central square of Würzburg (Germany) people prayed together for peace on 8 May, on the eve of Europe Day 2024. The event was organised by the ecumenical network Together for Europe. In the city, the Movements and Communities involved in this network are, among others, the Community of Sant’Egidio, Vineyard, the Focolare Movement and the YMCA.

The aim of the ecumenical prayer in public was to make known how some of those present were committed to peace in different ways and to encourage those present to do the same: e.g. in the family, at work, in prison, but also on trips.

Dr. Heiner Arzet (Vineyard) told of his trip to Ukraine, where his encounter with psychologically traumatised soldiers in the Butscha military hospital was particularly touching. During the liturgy together with the soldiers, Arzet realised how he too can be an instrument of peace through his presence in prayer.

Each of us, wherever we are, can make small and big choices in favour of peace every day.

Beatriz Lauenroth

See the video clip of the event (German)>>


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To pray is to change reality

To pray is to change reality

In various places, initiatives have been started for years now where people from different cultures and nations meet regularly online to pray for an end to wars and for a stable peace in Europe and in the world. These are moments of profoundness, togetherness and sharing. We present here the experiences of Ukraine, Slovenia and Germany. Finally, we conclude with a powerful reflection by Pope Francis on prayer.

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Thank you, Bishop Krause!

Thank you, Bishop Krause!

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