Virtual Meeting of the “Friends of TfE” in autumn 2020

by | Sep 2, 2020

The annual meeting of the “Friends” of Together for Europe will be held on 12-14 November 2020. This time round, however, it will have two parts: national and European. This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the international Meeting, originally scheduled for Warsaw, Poland, cannot be held with people being physically together. On a European […]

The annual meeting of the “Friends” of Together for Europe will be held on 12-14 November 2020. This time round, however, it will have two parts: national and European.

This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the international Meeting, originally scheduled for Warsaw, Poland, cannot be held with people being physically together.

On a European level, there will be a ZOOM link-up on November 14, 2020. During the day there would be several inputs, sharing (in the four languages: French, English, German and Italian) and a common prayer. The focal point would be the question: How did the various charisms, which are linked together in Together for Europe, tackle the pandemic? Through our sharing we will come to know each other even deeper.

Preparatory national meetings

Prior to our European meeting, we invite you to meet in each Country. The invitation letter stated: “This could take place a few days, or weeks, just proceeding November 14; this meeting could be physical or virtual – depending on the restrictions imposed in each Country”. The aim of the national meetings is to prepare a contribution for the European meeting.

Looking ahead at 2021

Pandemic permitting, the usual Friends’ Meeting on a European level is scheduled for 4 – 7 November 2021, and hopefully we could greet each other physically. The Country and the exact venue have still to be decided.

International secretariat of TfE



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