Welcome to Vienna!

by | Sep 25, 2017

WILLKOMMEN, BENVENUTI, WELCOME, VITAJTE, BIENVENUE… The group „Friends of Together for Europe” will meet in Vienna. We are looking forward to this being a great, profound, visible, inviting, serene and European event held Together. The TfE Coordination Team in Vienna has reflected and consulted at length with the International Steering Committee in preparation for this meeting. […]


The group „Friends of Together for Europe” will meet in Vienna.

We are looking forward to this being a great, profound, visible, inviting, serene and European event held Together.

The TfE Coordination Team in Vienna has reflected and consulted at length with the International Steering Committee in preparation for this meeting. Our focus recently has been preparations for the opening of the meeting on 9th November in St. Stephen’s Cathedral (Stephansdom) which will take the format of an ecumenical prayer. We have picked a location in the centre of Vienna and have invited public figures to attend. The Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Schönborn has confirmed his participation while the mayor of Vienna issued an invitation to an “Agape” to follow after the liturgy.

“9th November, Stephansdom – you are coming, aren’t you?” – everyone we speak to is eagerly looking forward to the event.

Will we succeed in filling the Stephansdom Cathedral? We entrust this aspiration in the spirit of what Chiara Lubich used call: “The music sheet already written in heaven”.

Coordination Team of TfE, Vienna 


DOWNLOAD THE INVITATION (in german): Treffen Trägerkreis Wien 2017 – Einladung zum Gebetsabend>>


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