3° Day TfE at Prague

by | Nov 17, 2018

Last day of congress for the one hundred and seventy participants from 21 European countries and 53 different Movements and Communities. The atmosphere of the meeting was marked by the presence of a surprisingly large number of young people. As one young woman remarked, “we wish to write a different melody in these times of […]

Last day of congress for the one hundred and seventy participants from 21 European countries and 53 different Movements and Communities. The atmosphere of the meeting was marked by the presence of a surprisingly large number of young people.

As one young woman remarked, “we wish to write a different melody in these times of pluralisation and waning religious enthusiasm. We are enthusiastic and feel the responsibility to do our part to build a united Europe in politics and society.”

The various presentations and opportunities for dialogue had enabled the participants to take a closer look at the question of faith and the different Churches in the Czech Republic today.>

“We can learn so much from one another and be a gift for one another”, said one young man from Ravensburg. ” For three days Prague 2018 became the ‘international capital in the heart of Europe’ “, said one of the participants and “’togetherness’ has once again become a matter of the heart for me and many others.”

Looking ahead

On 9 May 2019 Europe Day will be celebrated as “Together for Europe” Day. To prepare for the day, the iniative will be supported by a European-wide chain of prayer.  It will begin on 25.3.2019, the day on which the United Kingdom is expected to leave the European Union.  “From Brexit to Europe Day: which also symbolises the road we are travelling together”, is the final comment of one of the participants.

The next meeting of Friends will take place from 7.-9.11.2019 in Ottmaring/Augsburg, where the story of  Together for Europe began 20 years ago. It will be a retrospective on the history of the people with God and a perspective on a highly promising future.

Beatriz Lauenroth


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