Together for Europe is a path of communion, a free convergence of Christian Communities and Movements of different Churches, spread all over the continent. Maintaining their autonomy, they network for shared purposes, bringing the contribution of their own charisma, while respecting diversity. Read more>

Called to Hope

Called to Hope

It is thanks to God that we can hope, and hope is necessary
in today’s world. In 25 years of fraternal cooperation, we have discovered a path that calls God’s people to unity and shows our society more fraternity. 31 October 2024 marks the anniversary of the founding of Together for Europe and the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. A reason to thank God and discover new perspectives.

Christian Roots and the Future of Europe

Christian Roots and the Future of Europe

On the evening of Europe Day 2024, Jeff Fountain, Director of the Schuman Centre for European Studies in Amsterdam, and former Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger spoke at an online conference on the topic: Let us speak and pray for Europe. More than 100 participants in Europe followed the keynote speeches with great interest.

Wake up, Europe!

Wake up, Europe!

Together for Europe (TfE) in Belgium celebrated Europe Day together with the Schuman Centre. The conference, entitled ‘Wake up Europe’, was prepared in cooperation with the Capella for Europe, the TfE Belgium committee, the EEA (European Evangelical Alliance) and the Carmelite Church, where the Forum was held. The participants at the Forum came from various Western and Eastern European countries (Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Sweden, Germany, Italy, France, Ukraine), as well as a few participants from Armenia.

The passion to ‘rekindle’ Christian values

The passion to ‘rekindle’ Christian values

On 15 May 2024, the Declaration ‘Europe, Be Yourself!’ was signed. We share here the testimony of Gerhard Pross, moderator of Together for Europe, who was invited to Thessaloniki (Greece) to sign this joint declaration by Christians of different Churches, in view of the upcoming European elections in June 2024.

Self-awareness, serving the common good

Self-awareness, serving the common good

In Rome, at the event organised for Europe Day, I meet Aldo Bernabei, who has long been committed in the political world to create opportunities for young Europeans to meet, engage socially and work together. On this occasion, he tells me about a recent European Union Project: the European Solidarity Corps.

Building Europe Together

Building Europe Together

In Munich, celebrations around Europe Day took place for a whole month. In this context, Together for Europe participated in the city centre with a stand. Many people visited the stand, including children and young people: the generations that will carry Europe into the future.

Main documents

Documents describing the basis, vision and commitment of our Together for Europe.

Activate Your City

It is the city, your city, that is the first field of action of Together for Europe. Locally implemented collaboration forms the vital fabric of our network.

Stages of our Journey

Video Gallery

Events, interviews and stories of our common commitment to Europe

Meeting of the Friends of Together for Europe in Vienna 2017_Photo ©A.Baumgarten

Together for Europe - Event 2012 in Brussels_Photo: ©CSC

Together for Europe_Outdoor Rally on Karlsplatz (Stachus) in Munich_2 May 2016_OUTBREAKBAND_Photo: ©Grill

Europe Day 2019 - Local Event of Together for Europe in Milan/Italy_Photo: ©Alberto Fornasari

Together for Europe - Congress for members of Movements and Communities which are involved – 200 of these were represented in the Circus Krone Building_Munich 30 June 2016. Photo: ©U. Haaf

Together for Europe - Congress for members of Movements and Communities which are involved – 200 of these were represented in the Circus Krone Building_Munich 30 June 2016. Photo: ©U. Haaf

Together for Europe Event Brussels 2012_Professor Romano Prodi, former President of the European Council and Minister in Italy_Photo ©CSC

Meeting of the Friends of Together for Europe in Porto/Portugal 2022_Photo: ©C.K. Brand

Together for Europe_Outdoor Rally on Karlsplatz (Stachus) in Munich_2 May 2016_Photo: ©Grill

Together for Europe_Outdoor Rally on Karlsplatz (Stachus) in Munich_2 May 2016_Photo: ©Grill

Meeting of the Friends of Together for Europe in Prague/Czech Republic 2018_Photo: ©H.Brehm

Together for Europe Event - Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle Stuttgart on 8 May 2004_ Interview with young people_Photo: ©CSC

Together for Europe Event - Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle Stuttgart on 8 May 2004_Photo: ©CSC

Together for Europe - Event Stuttgart 2004_Some members of the Steering Committee with Bishops of different Churches_Photo: ©CSC

Together for Europe - Event Stuttgart 2007_Some members of the Steering Committee_Photo: ©CSC

Together for Europe - Event 2012 in Brussels_Message from the President of the European Council _Photo: ©CSC

Together for Europe_Ecumenical prayer in Rome 2017 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome_Photo: ©T. Klann

Wuerzburg 2009

Together for Europe - Local event Würzburg/Germania 2009_Photo: private

Our Vision of Europe

A united and multifaceted Europe with strong social cohesion in cultural diversity. Our diversity should no longer be a reason for fear or separation. We live for a Europe that does not suppress them, but rather rediscovers them as riches and develops and harmonises them.

A Europe animated by fraternity. To spread this Europe we offer the fruits of our Gospel-based love: sharing of goods and resources; equality and freedom for all; openness to those with other cultures and religious traditions. This lifestyle can be an inspiration for bolder choices in all fields.

A Europe that becomes itself a ‘message of peace’, a bridge between peoples. We build it by living as reconciled people in our daily lives and committing ourselves to promoting a culture of encounter.

A democratic, participatory Europe. The awareness that each of us is a unique and unrepeatable subject, with an irrepressible vocation for relations, makes each one a resource for building new forms of responsible democratic participation, for constructive relations between citizens and institutions.

A Europe aware of its responsibilities and open to the world.

More about our journey TOGETHER 

Some History

A Europe – from the Atlantic to the Urals – that puts the person at the centre, endowed with a unique dignity, to be recognised and respected by states, civil and religious communities and individuals.

Awards and Acknowledgements