Our common YES to the protection of creation

Our common YES to the protection of creation

The challenges for the protection of creation and an integral ecology are growing exponentially worldwide. On 2nd March 2024, the Together for Europe network has dedicated an entire day online to this topic. Professionals and activists from various Churches and Movements, from 9 European countries, spoke at the Seminar entitled: ‘Called to Unity – Towards an Ecology of Relationships’. An enthralling ‘journey’, in which the speakers in an atmosphere of increasing convergence presented their research and commitment to environmental protection, and then entered into dialogue with the many persons present in the ‘virtual hall’. Experiences already in place in many places and encouraging good practices, easily imitated, have highlighted the desire and commitment to respect and preserve creation for future generations. This unites us as Christians and easily connects us with others.

For our network it was time to deepen one of the ‘7 YESes’ with which we committed ourselves in 2007 at the big Stuttgart Manifestation. It states: “Let us say Yes to creation, by defending nature and the environment, gifts of God to be safeguarded with commitment that respects future generations.”

The inputs of this rich meeting were very interesting and informative. As an example, we quote two sentences from the contribution of Dr Stefania Papa[1]she emphasised “the network of complex and interdependent relationships between every living being and every element of nature, which, together, sustain life itself. These relationships are not unidirectional, but characterised by mutual exchanges of energy, matter and information”. While this creates harmony, there is also conflict, disruption. And it is precisely “this diversity of relationships, including both conflict and cooperation, that is fundamental to the functioning of ecosystems and to the continuous evolution of life on Earth, which is continually subject to new challenges”.

We are grateful to the speakers who allowed us to make their contributions available. You can download them at the bottom of this page.

During the Workshop, which was part of an EU-supported project, DialogUE, the European Grean Deal document was presented; this is an ambitious project in which the EU has developed some of the strictest environmental standards in the world. The contents of the Webinar and the answers of the participants to the questionnaires concerning this event will help to elaborate a KIT with concrete suggestions to the European Union. It will be delivered on 16th October 2024 to the European Institutions in Brussels, together with the results of the previous workshops on communication and social policies, held in 2023 and co-funded like the latter by the European Union.

The Team of the Secretariat of Together for Europe

Programme for Participants 2024 03 02 EN

Andre Galli – Green Fish, experience of a Christian ecological NGO 2024 03 02 EN

Catherine Devitt – Education for Faith-Consistent Investing, Experience FaithInvest 2024 03 02 EN

Gerhard Pross – Ecology of the heart 2024 03 02E EN

Jean Marc Ziade – Experience of an ‘Sustainable Hub’ 2024 03 02 EN

Lorna Gold – Commitment of Christian Churches in Europe to Care of Creation 2024 03 02 EN

Nicola Asproulis – Cosmic Personhood, from imago Dei to Imago mundi 2024 03 02 EN

Philip McDonagh – Considerations Article 17 TFEU and Green Deal 2024 03 02

Stefania Papa – Relationality in nature 2024 03 02 EN

See also the press release>>

[1] Associate Professor of Ecology, Dept. of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Italy

Towards an ecology of relationships

Towards an ecology of relationships

“Called to unity – Towards an ecology of relationships”

This is the title of an

which our network is promoting in 4 languages: English, Italian German and French.

The event was prepared with representatives of various Churches, Movements and Communities, with the aim of highlighting one of the ‘7 YESES’ of our journey together: the ‘YES to creation’.

During the morning, the speakers will take us through the Churches’ thinking on this subject; afterwards, we will dialogue with them to further explore the topic.

In the afternoon, ample space will be devoted to good practices in the efforts to safeguard creation which are already underway in various European countries.

The Focus? The relationships that form the basis of our acting and interacting with creation.

We would like to offer this opportunity to enhance a network regarding ecology, encouraging positive and imitable initiatives.

The Workshop is being supported by European Union Funds and is part of the ‘DialogUE’ project, which we joined as the Together for Europe network.

To participate, one needs to register via the link on the Flyer that you can download here>>. Subsequently, the link to the webinar, together with the programme, will be sent for registered participants.

We look forward to seeing you!

The Secretariat of Together for Europe

Why to go to Timisoara?

Why to go to Timisoara?

To know, to deepen, to build

Timişoara (Romania) is with two other cities the 2023 ‘European Capital of Culture’.  Roman Catholic Bishop Pál József Csaba of Timişoara invited the annual meeting of the Friends of Together for Europe (TfE) to his city (16-18/11/2023).

Some friends of TfE express here why they will attend the meeting.

Cezara Delia Perian, from the Orthodox youth group in Timisoara:

I am in favour of a Christian Europe with Christian principles. I would like to hear about the experiences in the context of TfE. And as a citizen of Timisoara, I want to present my city, which, for centuries has been an example of peaceful coexistence between different minorities, Churches, Movements and ecclesial cultures. Therefore, I kindly invite you to the Friends of TfE 2023 meeting in Timisoara, with the promise of an extraordinary meeting and a unique experience.

Soňa Jančíková, TfE Steering Committee, European Network of Communities ENC, Slovak Republic:

Since unity is written very deep in my heart, I decided to join TfE. I would like to meet new people and get to know what is in their hearts. In the ENC we have communities from Romania and I love this country. It is very important that this meeting takes place in the East of Europe and we are looking forward to seeing how great the potential of this country is, so that the rest of Europe will be based more on Christian values.

Philipp Barthel, TfE Steering Committee, YMCA Munich, Germany:

Why do I go to the TfE meeting in Timisoara? Because I want to personally experience the faith of Christians of different Churches, nationalities and ages.

Reydibel Mesa, Focolare Movement, Hungary:

I think this meeting will be a moment of brotherhood and peace in Europe. It will be days where we can experience the strength of the unity of peoples united in God: young people, adults, from different countries and different Christian Churches, but all Together.

Gérard Testard, Efesia, France:

We are walking on the road opened up by the founders of Europe and all those, who, throughout history, did not accept conflict as a fatality, but committed themselves to breaking down barriers.

Mgr Pál József Csaba, Bishop in Timisoara:

By your presence you show Romania the beauty of the Christian faith.

Cinzia Panero, Focolare Movement, Serbia:

For me TfE is a network of life, of shared experiences, of intentions
dreamed and achieved with others in a common concrete work. We experienced it last March in Belgrade: the Institute for the Study of Culture and of Christianity and the Focolare Movement in Serbia, we realised the Exhibition-art competition “The world in an image, image of the world” between Serbian artists of various religious faiths and nationalities, with the support of the Ministry for Cooperation between religious communities. The meeting in Timisoara will be an opportunity to strengthen our friendship, open up to new experiences, build relationships in a real network, tangible, fraternal network.

Beatriz Lauenroth

Photos: private


Exchange and inspiration

Exchange and inspiration

Ecumenical Youth Festival 2023 in Timisoara

Jean Marc Ziadé (27), born in Lebanon and raised in Luxembourg, currently works as a sales and events manager at a conference centre in the Netherlands. From 4th to 7th May, he attended the Ecumenical Youth Festival in Timisoara, Romania.

Why did you attend the meeting?

First of all, I like to travel and I am interested in other countries and cultures.
It was very enriching for me to visit an Eastern European country, Romania, for the first time. I was amazed by all that Timisoara has to offer. Thanks to a guide and involvement in the local community, we were able to better understand, among other things, the bloody revolution of 1989 and how it still influences culture, people and the economy today. Thanks to the many events and conversations, the Ecumenical Youth Festival has given me a lot of inspiration and is – I believe – a positive surprise for the future of the Church!

What inspired you most?

I was most impressed by the motivation of the young people. It is amazing how they used different forms of artistic expression, such as music and theatre, videos and life testimonies, to create an unforgettable and meaningful experience.
The international music group Gen Verde, the theatrical performances largely created by young people, beautiful songs, workshops on dialogue and the ‘Economy of Francis’ (young entrepreneurs working for a new economy) were not only entertaining, but also brought depth and reflection to the festival.

What do you take away from Timisoara?

Certainly, the living faith I found there and the ecumenical aspect have left a lasting impression on me. I think not everyone understands what ecumenism means. This trip allowed me to discover the different denominations and the cooperation between the Churches, from Greek Orthodox, to Serbian, to Greek Catholic, to Roman Catholic and other Churches, which we visited and which I did not know before. This festival and the way the Churches of Eastern Europe work together show that unity between the Churches is possible! Now wars and prejudices want to prevent us from working together. Even if we think that Church members are decreasing in number, the young people have shown me that this is not the case everywhere. This is certainly a sign of hope. This experience will continue to inspire others and me to work together for a more united and harmonious future for all Christians.

Thank you, Jean Marc, for this interview.

Beatriz Lauenroth


The art of listening

The art of listening

Interview with Herbert Lauenroth (1) ahead of the next meeting in Timisoara

Where do you see the main values of Together for Europe (TfE)?

Based on common Christian roots, TfE has made its own the vision of a Europe of solidarity, peace, reconciliation, justice and fraternity. TfE wants to re-propose the Christian ethos (with reference to Jn 15:12: This is my commandment: that you love one another, as I have loved you) in the light of a ‘tolerance of ambiguity’ (in the words of the Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman), which seems to be the indispensable basis for a communication capable of overcoming the current tendencies of increasing polarisation and fragmentation. It is in acquiring a “culture of listening”, that very promising avenues for dialogue and for an experience of reciprocity are opened up, thus coping with the media pathologies of a so-called “post-factual” (with their notoriety, such as disinformation, denunciation, “hate speech”, dissemination of “fake news”, etc.).

Does this create greater solidarity?

I think so. Because solidarity is born in the light of the Christian experience, of its vision of a “universal brotherhood”, which brings us out of our respective “echo chambers” or “bubbles”, to open up to the (discursive) spaces of an “egaliberté” or “egalberty” (according to the neologism of French philosopher Etienne Balibar). These spaces resonate with what Gal 3:28 states: there is no longer Jew nor Greek; there is no longer slave nor free; there is no longer man nor woman. Being ‘Christian’ therefore means being a ‘citizen’. Democracy, as a secular project, needs very precise presuppositions, namely the reference to the transcendent, to the ‘religious’ sphere (it is enough to remember the emblematic meeting in this regard between Card. Joseph Ratzinger and the renowned German representative of so-called post-metaphysical thought, Jürgen Habermas, in 2004).

And how can these values be realised?

There have been many occasions in the past. Most recently, TfE participated in the Ecumenical Youth Festival in Timisoara/Romania, to promote dialogue between young people of various Churches.

On 5 May 2023, we offered a workshop on the theme of citizenship and the transformation of cities, starting from the passage of scripture ‘Seek the Good/the Shalôm of the City’ (Jer. 29:7) and a text – endowed with an unprecedented prophetic pragmatism – by Chiara Lubich: ‘One city is not enough’. Approximately 100 young Catholics, Orthodox and members of other Christian churches participated. The workshop was then further divided into various thematic groups, of which ‘The Art of Listening’, ‘Christians=citizens’ and ‘Ideas for a film/storyboard about my city’ were the most popular. On the part of the young people (16 to 28 age bracket), both the practice of ‘story-telling’ and a psycho-spiritual approach to group dynamics were appreciated, as well as the enhancement of the aesthetic side (in addition to the diaconic or social side).

From 16 to 18 November 2023 there will be the annual meeting of the ‘Friends of Together for Europe‘ also in Timisoara. Why?

For the year 2023, Eleusis (Greece), Veszprém (Hungary) and Timişoara (Romania) won the title of ‘European Capital of Culture’. On this occasion, Catholic Bishop Pál József Csaba of Timişoara invited to his city the annual meeting of the Friends of Together for Europe. The TfE Steering Committee accepted the invitation and included it in its programme.

On an annual basis, the meeting of the ‘Friends of TfE‘ takes place in Eastern and Western European countries (e.g. Prague, Timisoara and Porto) with the aim of creating the basis for a differentiated and fruitful dialogue. It is about fostering an attitude that creates the conditions for this very dialogue. The aim is to learn more deeply the ‘Art-of-Listening’, the readiness to mutually ‘listen’, which is the only way that can lead to a solid and sustainable knowledge of the other’s culture.

For the Friends’ meeting in November, among other things, we would like to propose workshops that take up and discern in depth the theme “Seek the Good/the Shalôm of the City” on a larger scale.

Beatriz Lauenroth

(1) Herbert Lauenroth, historian, is a member of the Steering Committee of Together for Europe and has accompanied the development of the international network since its inception.

Journeying toward the future

Journeying toward the future

The European Bishop’s Synodal Assembly in Prague on 7 – 9 February, 2023

The European Assembly of the Bishops’ Synod was held in Prague on 7 – 9 February, 2023. Four Bishops or Delegates from each of the 39 Episcopal Conferences participated. I took part in my capacity as moderator of Together for Europe, and it turned out that I was the only Evangelical to be invited; together with Margaret Karram and Francisco Canzani (Focolare Movement), Cesare Zucconi and Hilde Kieboom (Sant’Egidio), Fr Heinrich Walter e Maria Pelz (Schönstatt), Matthew and Luce (Taizé), we represented the spiritual Movements. The organizers did a good job in allowing the continental Assembly to be a listening journey. Indeed, the plenary sessions were dedicated to listening to the reports from every Episcopal Conference. This was also true during the small group meetings, during which our mutual listening meant that we were all journeying together.

The word Synod comes from the Greek σύνοδος Syn hodos, that is, journeying together, which is precisely what pope Francis in inviting the Catholic Church to do.

Among the topics that many Countries underlined, and which the Synod must tackle, there are: equal rights for women and their participation in the ecclesial decision-making processes; priestly celibacy and the ordination of married persons; new ways of how to deal with homosexual persons, and clericalism.


What does synodality really mean? The issue remained open, albeit brought about several times. Will the Synod end with a common decision on this open issue, or is this Assembly just a consultative body and the ultimate decision will be eventually taken by the Bishops? Can the hopes that arose during the synodal journey be fulfilled?

We, as Together for Europe, can surely provide valid experiences of synodality, because in many Communities and Movements the synodal process has shown its validity, and Together is always characterized by common decisions. Our foundations and our rich experience are not based on hierarchy, by on mutual listening and harmony. I was really glad that we were invited; we were able to contribute in many personal conversations and encounters. Moreover, we surely contributed toward an atmosphere of openness and encounter through our basic attitude and our experience.

Rev. Martin Michalíček, the General Secretary of the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE), was struck by this when he participated in our Meetings for the Friends of Together for Europe in Augsburg and Porto, and that is why he invited us to Prague.

Keeping sight of the Word of God

While delivering a brief public declaration to the Synod, I offered three thoughts which I deemed to be important:

  1. I’m aware that the synodal process has unleashed an enormous potential of hope. And for this, I must express my congratulations.
  2. I wish that the Synod will have the courage to formulate several points that represent necessary steps for change. Without any concrete steps, the potential of hope can easily become resignation.
  3. To make concrete steps I augur to the Synod the light of the Word of God. In Psalm 119, 105 we read: “Your Word in a lamp for my feet and a light for my journey”. During these days I was upset seeing that, in some contributions, sociology often took the place of the Word of God as the normative basis.
Prayer vigil in Rome

I augur that the potential of hope provided by the world synodal journey may bring about courageous steps for change, which will help the Church on her journey toward the future. It is important that we accompany this process with prayer. On the eve of the Synod, the Taizé community is organizing a day of prayer. This will be on September 30, 2023, and the theme chosen is: “Together. A gathering of the People of God”. As Together for Europe, we wholeheartedly support this initiative and invite you all to participate.

Gerhard Pross

Photo: Gerhard Pross with Margaret Karram


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