Voices from Prague – part 1

by | Nov 18, 2018

Meeting of “Friends of Together for Europe” at Prague – Short interviews with some of the participants – part 1 “Going against the mainstream.” Annamária Fejes, Focolare Movement, France “Non sediamoci sul divano!” František Talíř, Movimento dei Focolari, Cechia. “Ricerca della verità come antidoto alla paura.” Georges El Hage, SYNDESMOS, Francia “Ein Geschenk des Heiligen […]

Meeting of “Friends of Together for Europe” at Prague – Short interviews with some of the participants – part 1

“Going against the mainstream.” Annamária Fejes, Focolare Movement, France

“Non sediamoci sul divano!” František Talíř, Movimento dei Focolari, Cechia.

“Ricerca della verità come antidoto alla paura.” Georges El Hage, SYNDESMOS, Francia

“Ein Geschenk des Heiligen Geistes”. Sr.M.Lioba Ruprecht, Schönstätter Marienschwestern, Deutschland

“Traverser nos peurs”. Gérard Testard, Efesia, France



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