Toward the future with confidence

by | Apr 17, 2024

From 11 to 13 April 2024, the European Steering Committee of Together for Europe (TfE) met for its annual retreat in Vallendar, the Schönstatt Centre. 21 members from seven Movements represented on the Steering Committee took part. Among them were: Father Alexandre Awi Mello, Superior General of the Schönstatt Fathers and President of the General […]

From 11 to 13 April 2024, the European Steering Committee of Together for Europe (TfE) met for its annual retreat in Vallendar, the Schönstatt Centre. 21 members from seven Movements represented on the Steering Committee took part. Among them were: Father Alexandre Awi Mello, Superior General of the Schönstatt Fathers and President of the General Presidium of the International Schönstatt Institution, and Jesús Moran, Co-President of the Focolare Movement, who also attended on behalf of the President, Margaret Karram. The purpose of the retreat was to facilitate and prepare the generational change, as well as to focus on TfE ‘s vision and formulate concrete tasks for the coming years.

TfE is an ecumenical network with a Steering Committee that is at the service of the various Movements and Communities. The interaction of charisms requires constant listening to the voice of God: “The score is written in heaven” (Chiara Lubich). The nature and mission of TfE are revealed above all through direct participation in the network’s meetings, prayer initiatives, conferences and other local and international initiatives.

Under the expert guidance of the specially appointed external moderator Dr Markus Ressl, and continuously listening to the Holy Spirit, the participants worked out the necessary steps for the near future. Moderator Gerhard Pross (YMCA Esslingen) and General Secretary Diego Goller (Focolare Movement) were given full confidence to continue their service over the next two years. The executive team of the Steering Committee, which previously consisted of four people from different communities, was expanded to include two younger people.

To facilitate the work of this team, working and project groups were formed to – among other things – intensify contacts with Eastern Europe, Orthodoxy, Church leaders, politicians and national TfE Teams. In terms of communication, a greater ‘visibility’ in the European public opinion arena is desired.

The voices and suggestions of younger participants are increasingly proving to be an important contribution to a forward-looking collaboration. According to one young participant from the YMCA in Munich, it is above all a ‘personal approach’. “You have to participate in person to understand what it is all about”. In the near future, a group will study the possibility of organising a large event for all Movements.

The meeting was characterised by a strong spiritual atmosphere. Fr. Alexandre Awi Mello (Schönstatt) stated: “It touches me deeply to see how God is working in this network. Here we are writing ‘holy history in a holy place’ “. And Jesùs Moran (Focolare Movement):“Charisms are gifts from God to the Churches. TfE allows Europe to see the unity of charisms. There is great potential in this. We must therefore never lose sight of today’s humanity, because we can always give hope to the world thanks to this charismatic force“.

The annual meeting of the Friends of TfE will take place from 31 October to 2 November 2024 in Graz/Seggau under the title ‘Called to Hope’, in close cooperation with the Austrian National Team and with the active participation of the younger generation.

Beatriz Lauenroth

1 Comment

  1. Raymond

    Great to read that there are still people today who believe in ideals and working towards a more united Europe!


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