by Ada Guazzo | Jun 15, 2021 | 2021 Europe Day, Experiences, reflections and interviews, Italy, News
During a zoom conference to mark the 2021 Europe Day, Prof Luigino Bruni put forward a novel perspective regarding the relationship between ecology and economy.
Luigino Bruni is Professor of Political Economy at LUMSA, Rome, and also teaches at the University Institute Sophia in Loppiano (Florence). Moreover, he is the Scientific Director of The Economy of Francesco and President of the School of Civil Economy.
He analysed the European economy starting from its Christian roots. He then reflected upon several positive impulses that can be derived from the pandemic tragedy. He underlined the present involvement of young people which is providing new hope and a stimulus for personal commitment that combines the love of the Earth to that of Mankind.
Quite interesting was his interpretation of the quotation from Joel, 2, 28: “If the old people are still able to dream (to believe in a better world), then the young people will prophesize (they will undertake great projects)”.
Here is the transcript of the speech 09 05 2021 TfE Prof. L. Bruni – integral ecology, economy of solidarity
You can also see the video on youtube (in Italian). Click here>>
Photo: L. Bruni / nature: K. Brand
by TogetherforEurope | Apr 8, 2021 | 2021 Europe Day, Italy, News
For the Earth and for Mankind
- Contributors: Jonut Radu (Romanian Orthodox), Mgr Marco Gnavi, Pastor Luca Maria Negro
- Lived out experiences regarding “For the Earth and for Mankind’
Giuseppe Del Coiro on behalf of the Italian National Team
The leaflet (in Italian) with the details of how to join in can be downloaded from here:

Flyer Giornata dell’Europa, 9 Maggio 2021 ITALIA
by TogetherforEurope | May 17, 2020 | 2020 Europe Day, Italy, News
Europe Day 2020 – “It was a little great miracle… an event in which we participated and not simply assisted at”. This is an immediate feedback – one of many – that we have received.
The preparation
Indeed, we really put our faith in this online opportunity: to be connected just as nature is connected! We had faith in God’s creativity, and within a few days, the Holy Spirit used our ‘few loaves and fishes’ (cf. John 6,9) to bring about an impressive ecumenical event, at which several Christian leaders took part. Their presence all over Italy is the fruit of a long and loving endeavour of communion, dialogue and nurturing of relationships that the various Committees have carried out in every Region. The commitment to build unity was evident in every word, gesture and expression.
The idea was the brainchild of the Rome Committee of the ‘Together for Europe’ network. Then the other Committees in Italy came together to organize this online event, and, notwithstanding the fact that they never met, they all lived a profound experience of brotherhood and the impression was that they have been working together for two months, and not for just two weeks. In practice they lived out among themselves the ‘Pact of mutual love’ (inspired by Jn 13, 34), which is, after all, the foundation of all that is done under the auspices of Together for Europe.
May 9, 2020 at 6 p.m.: Italy TOGETHER online!
The initiative was underwritten by 25 Movements and Communities that adhere to TfE; there were about 500 links connected from all over the Country, and this added solemnity to the Feast of a United Europe! Taking part, among many others, was the Hon. Stefano Fassina and several local administrators. Also, there were 45 ministers of Christian Churches and Communities. Much appreciated were the messages sent by Bishop Giovanni Traettino (Founder of the Pentecostal Church of Reconciliation), which was read out by Pastor Mauro Adragna (C.R.R. Palermo) and by Pastor Luca Maria Negro, President of the Federation of the Evangelical Churches in Italy.
Toward an integral ecology
While commemorating the 70th anniversary of the ‘Schuman Declaration’, the event focused upon the ‘Yes to Creation’, that is, how to protect the natural environment, which is a gift given to us by God, and which we ought to safeguard for future generations. The overall title of the keynote speeches was: “Integral ecology: a sustainable utopia for Europe”. Reflections were offered by Stefania Papa, professor and expert on ecology, and Luca Fiorani, a physicist, who is an expert on climate; there were also video messages by Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew I and Antonio Gutierrez (Secretary General of UNO) on the occasion of the 50th Earth Day. All these instilled an awareness that together we can work for a better present and an even better future, within a framework of respect, cooperation and reciprocity.
Ecumenical prayer
It was in this spirit that the ecumenical prayer was lived out by the representatives of the various Churches. Dr Costantino Vacros (of the Greek Orthodox Church) started by reading Genesis 1, 26 – 31, which was followed by a rich input by the Baptist Pastor Gabriela Lio, President of the Federation of Evangelical Women in Italy. We then prayed with Pastor Nino Genova (New Pentecost Movement) and with diverse representatives of Catholic Movements and Communities. Then all together – joyfully, in full harmony and solemnly – we renewed the Pact of mutual love. We sealed that day with the Our Father, in order to remind ourselves that we are ONE and that together we can bring about a New Humanity.
Emanuela Cannella – Press Office TfE, Rome
You can review the event on facebook TfE Rome>> and on youtube>>.
We propose here some of the still-images made by Emanuela Cannella and Emanuela Fioravanti.
by TogetherforEurope | Mar 25, 2020 | Italy, News
After the celebrations of the 20th anniversary, the life of the network of Together for Europe continues. Following are brief news from Portugal, Italy and Slovenia.
On January 22, 2020, the Lisbon TfE group organized a moment of prayer in the chapel of a Mall. For the first time ever, this was jointly organized with members of two parishes of the Lusitanian Church (Anglican Communion).
The communion experience started with the first preparatory meeting, when all participants were aware that what they were doing was a new step forward. Communion among all participants increased thanks to the mutual respect and love shown, and all decisions were unanimously approved.
At the prayer event there were more than a hundred persons, from both Churches, who took part. A brief presentation of Together for Europe was followed by a commemoration of Chiara Lubich whose 100th anniversary of birth fell on that day. A Catholic priest and a woman Pastor from the Anglican Communion led the prayers, which were based on Acts 28, 2: “They showed us unusual kindness” – the motto that was chosen for the Week of Prayers for Christian unity. The participants expressed their joy in various ways, and manifested their determination to keep alive their relationships throughout the year.
In Trent, the Week of Prayers for Christian unity was the occasion to present Together for Europe during an ecumenical afternoon meeting that was held at the Bishop’s place. The participants included: the Movements that are ‘Friends’ of TfE, the Bishop’s delegate for ecumenism, members of the Russian Orthodox Church, Rumanian Orthodox priests, Lutheran Pastors, Adventists and members of the Quadrangular Church.
Moreover, the TfE group is involved in other activities: two events regarding ‘Yes to Life’; the preparation of the diocesan calendar for Lent 2020, with meditations of Chiara Lubich on the motto – “safeguarding the creation, safeguarding the creatures’; and on May 8, to mark the Feast of Europe, they intend to organize an event with the participation of many of the local entities.
Following the annual meeting of the ‘Friends’ of TfE that was held in Ottmaring-Augsburg, the Slovenian group (made up of Christian Life Communities, Way – Pot, Communion and liberation, Couples for Christ, Emmanuel and the Focolare Movement) held a meeting in January 2020 to update the ‘Friends’ of TfE in Slovenia.
The meeting was graced with the participation of two special persons: Mgr Stanislav Zore, the Catholic Archbishop of Lublin, and His Grace Leon Novak, the new Evangelical Bishop for Slovenia (who travelled more than 400 km to be there). First there was a brief presentation of the 20-year journey of TfE, which included a 10-minute video clip, and then the participants were updated about the November meeting: to be ambassadors of reconciliation and signs of hope. This was made evident at Ottmaring and in the Town Hall of Augsburg, as well as during the commemoration and prayers in St Anne’s Evangelical church.
It was also an opportunity to see how to go ahead. The first event, coronavirus permitting, will be held on May 9, the Feast of Europe, at Graz: there will be a Day program to which persons from Austria, Slovenia, Italy and Hungary are being invited. A lively fraternal dialogue involved the representatives of the Movements and the two Bishops. The meeting came to an end with a solemn pact of mutual love.
The international Secretariat of Together for Europ
by TogetherforEurope | May 25, 2019 | 2019 Europe Day, Italy
The Feast for Europe was held at the Pentecostal church “Word of Grace” with some 1300 participants and over 4000 following via YouTube and Facebook. A whole spectrum of social initiatives carried out together by various Movements and members of diverse Churches were presented.
Videos were used to explain the endeavor of Fr Carlo Santoro in Lecce and that of Pastor Tommaso Carpino of the International Church. In helping some Pentecostals in need, they saw walls of mistrust crumbling down, and instead a true friendship in the spirit of collaboration came about.
One could feel the atmosphere of brotherhood and a culture of “togetherness”, and this was quite visible among the four presenters who belonged to 4 diverse Movements and Churches, as well as during the keynote speeches delivered by the Apostle Lirio Porrello of the “Word of Grace”, the representative of the Steering Committee, Ilona Toth (Hungarian, who came from Rome) and by Mgr Alerio Montalbano, the Bishop’s Vicar.
When it came to the final prayer, Apostle Lirio, who composed the prayer, passed the microphone to Pastor Nino Genova of the Sharing in Jesus Church of Agrigento (New Pentecostal Movement) and asked him to read it out. This tangible sign of communion and mutual love impressed one and all.
Following are just the titles of the activities presented: aid to prisoners and their families provided by the Pentecostals in collaboration with Fr Loris, the Catholic chaplain; the medical care given jointly by Christian doctors belonging to diverse associations; a lobby for a just family taxation (carried out by PdG, Eben Ezer, Forum Associations of Families, and the Focolare Movement); and “Mustard Seed” an open House run by the Waldensian, Lutheran and Baptist Churches.
Other initiatives: the local Caritas that helps homeless families; the Catholic Action which embarked on a project to make young people aware of the danger of gambling; the Adventum Foundation of the Adventist Church which helps families that risk being victims of usury; the “Word of Grace” helps the homeless; the Mission of Biagio Conte which looks after more than a thousand persons, and some others. These facts have shown that, through their charitable endeavors, the Christians are a lively reality in the midst of society.
There were also persons who shared their experiences of honesty, love of enemy, and the acceptance of an illness thanks to a closeness to God.
The young people presented a mime about “Jesus breaking the chains” – a meaningful dance performed by young people from Eben Ezer Church (New Pentecostal Movement) and others belonging to the Focolare Movement. Other young people belonging to various Pentecostal Churches and members of the “I am Rev” (I’m a revolution) Association explained how they help other young people to conquer their fears and fragilities. Their contributions manifested a Christianity that was young, fresh, full of initiatives and an authentic love for Jesus.
A participant summed up the evening thus: “What unites us is the living of the Gospel”.
The organizing committee of TfE in Palermo (Video and photos with the permission of Biagio Pittaresi)
by TogetherforEurope | May 24, 2019 | 2019 Europe Day, Italy
In Trento, on May 3, a cultural moment in the great hall of the Vigilianum and an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil.
In Trent, the Feast of Europe was organized by the six Movements which have been cooperating with Together for Europe for many years. These are the Alliance Dives in Misericordia, the Neo-catechumenal Way, Cursillo, Focolare Movement, New Horizons and Via Pacis. The event immediate got the support of the Episcopal delegate for Ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, Fr Cristiano Bettega.
The date chosen was May 3, 2019 and it was made up of two distinct parts: a cultural event at the Vigilianum followed by an ecumenical prayer Vigil.
The main hall of the Vigilianum, which seats about a hundred, was packed. Taking part, among others, were Fr Joan Catalin with members of his Romanian Orthodox Church, the Lutheran coordinator Mrs Berbel with a member of her community and the mayor of Trent, Alessandro Andreatta. Fr Bettega acted as chairperson and introduced the keynote speakers. Milena Mariani is Professor of Systematic Theology and History of Theology of the XX Century at the ‘Romano Guardini’ in Trent and Professor of Mariology in Bolzano. She delivered an important, farsighted talk about “Europe and the Christian Confessions toward the future”. Lucia Fronza Crepaz teaches at the Social Preparation School of Trent, and her talk had a socio-political theme: “Europe: an encounter of peoples, building up peace!”. During the interval between one speech and the other, two young men of the Neo-catechumenal Way played Beethoven’s Hymn to Joy.
The buffet which was offered in the adjacent hall was highly appreciated and it was an opportunity to share and make new acquaintances.
The Feast continued with an ecumenical Prayer Vigil which was held at the Immaculate Shrine, which is run by the Alliance Dives in Misericordia. The Vigil consisted of prayers, hymns (two of which were provided by the Orthodox community) and reflections – all done in an atmosphere of deep recollection. Among other texts, the messages of Pope Francis, of Patriarch Bartholomew I and of the Lutheran Bishop Bedford Strohm, which were delivered to the Munich 2016 meeting, were read out. The contributions of Fr Joan and the Lutheran coordinator Berbel were quite meaningful. The former underlined the correlation between the “cultural” input which preceded the Vigil, whereas the latter highlighted the common aims of the Christian Confessions which could, and ought to be enhanced, like reconciliation and peace, the care of the environment, solidarity with the poor and the downtrodden. Fr Bettega augured that such events may be repeated, and that other local entities be asked to participate. As a sign of practical sharing, the money collected was destined to help the refugees presently in Trent.
Foto: © Barbara Passalacqua / Nino Carella
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