Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.
Europe Day 2019 Castel Gandolfo
Sorry, but the text is only available in Italian Foto: ©Thomas Klann
Europe Day 2019 Padova
May 9, 2019: For the first time together at an ecumenical Prayer Vigil The “Europe Day” gave us the opportunity to live out a new experience of communion with the local Church and to be part of the “Biblical Festival” held in Padua. During the last months we held...
Europe Day 2019 Carinthia
Sorry, but the text is only available in German
Europe Day 2019 Bruxelles
Sorry, the text is only available in French and Italian Photo: ©Isabelle De Moffarts
Europe Day 2019 Viterbo
Sorry, but the text is only available in Italian.
Europe Day 2019 Milano
Milan, May 9, 2019: an unusual multicolored march bearing a proposal It all started from a simple idea: to plan together with as many entities as possible. These included several Catholic associations: Agesci, Catholic Action, Community of St Egidio, CVX, The St...
Europe Day 2019 Selbitz
the text is only available in German and Italian
Europe Day 2019 Schweiz
The text is only available in German
Europe Day 2019 Esslingen
The text of the article is only available in German TfE 3 Mai 2019 Europeday - Talk Esslingen, Jeff Fountain>>
Brussels: Time to pray for Europe
Download the invitation (french) Invitation Bruxelles 4 mai 2019>>