
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

Small prophetic steps for Europe

Small prophetic steps for Europe

We have experienced many times that European unity is not a utopia and does not solely depend on institutions. European unity is generated through encounters between people: encounters without prejudices, with a willingness to uncover the riches in the other which...

Fragments from Europe Day 2018

Fragments from Europe Day 2018

In the days before and after 9th May, a spirit of creativity and imagination animated Europe for the occasion of Europe Day 2018. Let us take a short tour of some of the places and initiatives associated with this celebration. In Bratislava (Slovakia), apart from a...

Young people love to be practical

Young people love to be practical

Is there a future for Europe? What do you think is the contribution that Churches and Ecclesial Movements can offer in this respect? There is indeed a future for Europe. Communities and Churches do have a role to play individually as well as together and as part of...

Discussion – Dialogue

Discussion – Dialogue

  DISCUSSION   DIALOGUE Convincing the other about one’s own point of view Exploring and learning together Trying to get the other to agree to it Sharing ideas, experiences and feelings Choosing the best option Integrating different view points Justifying, defending...

Europe – a „revolutionary project“

Europe – a „revolutionary project“

A short contribution, seen from an historical perspective, to Europe's religious foundations and their difficulties „Not only do books have a destiny but terms do too.”  These are the opening words of the extensive History of the West (Geschichte des Westens)...

Dialogue in diversity

Dialogue in diversity

The following text has been published to facilitate those who for "Together for Europe Day", to be held on 9th May, are considering leading a Round Table discussion aimed at opening up dialogue in “diversity”. Examples might include dialogues between East and West,...

The principles of dialogue

The principles of dialogue

Jesús Morán is the Co-President of the Focolare Movement: Degree in Philosophy, Doctorate in Theology. Here are his stimulating thoughts, condensed into 7 points, to learn the "language of fraternity" 1. Dialogue is always a personal meeting. It is not about words or...

Our “Yes” to Europe

Our “Yes” to Europe

Since its inception 18 years ago the mandate of Together for Europe has been to work for the unity of God’s people. The second mandate is the social dimension of Together for Europe. This mandate is presented with a new challenge today in view of the current crisis in...

Introduction by Gérard Testard

Introduction by Gérard Testard

The European Union is an organisation that is often not seen favourably by the public. Politicians not infrequently criticise it, at times in order to defend their own questionable internal politics. The European Union cannot be said to be without defects (there are...

Together towards a more open and philanthropic Europe

Together towards a more open and philanthropic Europe

When Together for Europe was launched on 31st October 1999 on the day the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification was signed there was a real sense of hope in the air. It was an important sign of unity after almost 500 years of division.  Various spiritual...

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