
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

Europe: inconceivable without fraternity

Europe: inconceivable without fraternity

17th February 2017, Chapter House of San Salvatore in Lauro, Rome (Italy): Together for Europe at the Conference of Association “City for Fraternity” After the welcome by President Milvia Monachesi, a series of reflections on the potential and the challenges of the...

My Vision of Europe: Young People in Their Own Words

My Vision of Europe: Young People in Their Own Words

The European dream has been, since its very beginning, an opportunity to overcome the mutual distrust and misconceptions which have existed between European peoples for centuries. Throughout the history of European integration, issues pertinent to young people were...

Baumann “Thirst for Peace”

Baumann “Thirst for Peace”

“(…) All stages and phases of human history have one common denominator: they are characterised by inclusiveness of the other on the one hand and their exclusion on the other hand. These also define categories of identification. “Us” being a measure of mutual...

Mattarella on Europe and Young People

Mattarella on Europe and Young People

“(…) Now I would like to address the young people. I am well-aware, that for you, work and dignity go hand in hand. I realise that today in our country there is a lack of work opportunities, and where there is work it is often insecure and underpaid. This situation...

New Horizons after Lund (Sweden)

New Horizons after Lund (Sweden)

An Anniversary in Communion (...) “It brings me immense joy to be here today, bearing witness to the work of the Holy Spirit sowing unity among the followers of Jesus. The Holy Spirit, in the words of Martin Luther, ‘calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies the whole...

Pope Francis’ Dream

Pope Francis’ Dream

On the occasion of the Conferral of the Charlemagne Prize in Rome on 6th 2016, Pope Francis shared his dream for Europe (…)  With mind and heart, with hope and without vain nostalgia, like a son who rediscovers in Mother Europe his roots of life and faith, I dream of...

Message from Munich 2016

Message from Munich 2016

Together for Europe. Encounter. Reconciliation. Future.  Munich – Bavaria, 2nd July 2016 There is no alternative to being together      “United in diversity”. This European hope is more than ever relevant.  Europe must not become a fortress and build new frontiers. ...

A glance from France

A glance from France

60 Years after the Treaties of Rome: A French Point of View So here we are! While not all countries are represented we did manage to get a total of 28 countries who will share in the celebrations of the past 60 years of Europe. On the 25th of March 1957, the date of...

A glance from Germany

A glance from Germany

60 YEARS SINCE THE „TREATIES OF ROME” 24th – 25th March 2017 On 25th March 1957 six European countries – Germany, France, Italy and the Benelux countries – decided to establish an “Economic Community” which as stated in the introduction to the agreement, was to be...

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