
Here is the multi-coloured news of Together for Europe: local and international meetings, experiences, testimonies, cultural contributions, reflections and other news.

Faithfulness to the future

Faithfulness to the future

Christmas is round the corner. This year’s will be extraordinary under many aspects, because humanity is still dealing with COVID-19. On March 27, 2020, in an unprecedented gesture, Pope Francis has prayed in St Pater’s Square for the end of this pandemic. The words...

Some French Initiatives

Some French Initiatives

During the annual Meeting of the Friends of TfE, which was held in November, 14 local groups shared experiences and initiatives in their Countries. The following is the contribution offered by the group of TfE in France. Strasbourg The Strasbourg group is very worried...

Charisms in the face of Coronavirus

Charisms in the face of Coronavirus

The pandemic forced upon us a certain ‘non-availability’; we ought to develop a new availability for the action of the Holy Spirit so that we may discover a new home for our charisms, and the interior spaces of our respective spiritualities. We ought to develop a new...

Online, and yet, fully analogical

Online, and yet, fully analogical

“What is being highlighted here is the anti-virus of fraternity”. On November 14, 2020, about 300 Friends of Together for Europe (TfE) met on the World Wide Web for their annual meeting. Representatives of about 40 Movements that are highly involved in the network...

Looking at “the score” from Above

Looking at “the score” from Above

“The music score is written in heaven; let us listen together to the Holy Spirit and then let us do what he says”. This is how Chiara Lubich defined precisely the beginning of Together for Europe (TfE). The initiators of TfE dedicated themselves unreservedly to this...

Political projects need to be spiritually nurtured

Political projects need to be spiritually nurtured

Together for Europe has received a letter from David Maria Sassoli, the president of the European Parliament. He emphasized the great need of the common European values to tackle crises. He also added that he would be delighted to keep in contact with our network. In...

Crossing Europe in one day

Crossing Europe in one day

Living May 9, 2020, online: Due to Covid-19, all the events planned for the Europe Day, which involved Together for Europe were held online. Together for Europe was in contact with persons from all over the Continent through discussions, conferences, prayers and...

Italy ‘Together’: it’s time for a New Humanity

Italy ‘Together’: it’s time for a New Humanity

Europe Day 2020 - “It was a little great miracle... an event in which we participated and not simply assisted at”. This is an immediate feedback – one of many – that we have received. The preparation Indeed, we really put our faith in this online opportunity: to be...

An International Link-up on the Feast of Europe

An International Link-up on the Feast of Europe

"Welcome to you all gathered here in the Graz Town Hall for our meeting on Europe Day!” This was the way we planned to welcome the participants on Saturday, May 9, 2020. However, Covid-19 disrupted all our plans. Therefore, toward the end of March, our regional team...

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