My Europe – 45 minutes for Europe
With music, reflections and prayer groups (all in English), young people across all borders will come together online to pray for our continent.
9 May 2021 at 6.30 p.m.
Register at: togetherforeurope@online.de
Register at: togetherforeurope@online.de
The Christians are conscious of the importance that the work started in 1950 with the “Schuman Declaration” ought to be continued; to this end they want to make their voice heard in this great debate that will continue till May 2022.
The conference of Mr Giuliani, together with Gérard Testard (French, and member of the International Steering Committee of Together for Europe), will allow us to discern the resources available to Europe in a rapidly changing world, where only a joint response may efficaciously tackle the economic, ecological and health crisis.
Information/Registration: Ensemble pour l’Europe France
Leaflet (in French): Affiche Europe 2021 conference online avec liens
Press release (in French): 6 mai 2021, J. D. Giuliani conference online
Together for Europe, France
Here you can watch the event again on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01tvdG6uB7c
Here you can find the texts in French>> and Dutch>>
The theme will be “Unity and Reconciliation”.
The programme includes a contribution by Mgr Delville, Bishop of Liège, and another by Cindy Franssen, a Belgian MEP. They will take an in-depth look at some aspects of Pope Francis’ latest encyclical Fratelli tutti.
Several Communities and Movements will present various initiatives, especially those in favour of our Belgian needy brothers and sisters. “We want to highlight the beauty of the Christian message!”: this is how a member of the preparatory put it.
The third part will be spent in prayer.
Beatriz Lauenroth
Photo: Wikipedia, author: ©Fabre
Giuseppe Del Coiro on behalf of the Italian National Team
The leaflet (in Italian) with the details of how to join in can be downloaded from here:
You can download the leaflet (in German) which carries further details and where to apply here:
We will tackle these topics amongst others. We will be joined by Jeff Fountain professor from the Schuman Centre for European Studies in Amsterdam.
To register please write to beatriz.lauenroth@together4europe.org
Beatriz Lauenroth, Dutch MfE Team