Voices from Prague – part 2

by | Nov 23, 2018

Meeting of “Friends of Together for Europe” at Prague – Short interviews with some of the participants – part 2 “Identity is something what we desperately need!” Pavel Fischer, Senator in the Czech Parliament “Abbiamo un grande fondamento che ci lega.” Matthias Leineweber, Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Germania “Pour leur communiquer la beauté”. François Delooz, Communauté […]

Meeting of “Friends of Together for Europe” at Prague – Short interviews with some of the participants – part 2

“Identity is something what we desperately need!” Pavel Fischer, Senator in the Czech Parliament

“Abbiamo un grande fondamento che ci lega.” Matthias Leineweber, Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Germania

“Pour leur communiquer la beauté”. François Delooz, Communauté de Sant’Egidio, Belgique

“I realised the strength of the Movements.” Pavel Černý, Pastor, Czech Republic

“Europa ist sehr bewegt”. Valerian Grupp, CVJM Esslingen, Deutschland


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