Stuttgart 2004

by | May 30, 2004

Event “Together for Europe 2004” – Stuttgart, 8th May 2004 Giving Europe a soul: 9,000 participants gathered in Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle, a further 100,000 people connected via satellite broadcast in 163 European cities and in 35 other cities throughout the world. For the first time in history more than 180 Christian Movements and Communities belonging to different […]

Event “Together for Europe 2004” – Stuttgart, 8th May 2004

Giving Europe a soul: 9,000 participants gathered in Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle, a further 100,000 people connected via satellite broadcast in 163 European cities and in 35 other cities throughout the world. For the first time in history more than 180 Christian Movements and Communities belonging to different Churches – Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox and Anglican – coming together.

A vision of Europe in the light of the charisms: “In order to contribute to the advancement of our Continent there is a need for a Europe of the Spirit”. A composed and jubilant audience. A meeting of men and women, European citizens, entrepreneurs, young people, priests and pastors. The aim: a continental unity respecting diversity and allowing for greater openness beyond the borders of the European Union and of Europe. Innumerable greetings from public figures both ecclesiastic and political.

A message from young people: “The continent we want”.

Statements by politicians, charismatic leaders, Bishops of different Churches amongst others. Many testimonies of life. Music, dancing, art performances. A pact of reconciliation and brotherhood. A concluding message proclaimed together to continue the journey. A united Europe for a united world.

See the video “A Heart for Europe”

by the International Secretariat of Together for Europe


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